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Obstetrician Gabriela Correia is used to seeing all sorts of births, but she could never have predicted just how dramatic the arrival of her own child would be.

The 33-year-old, from Brazil, was in labour and being driven to hospital by her husband, when things escalated very quickly.

Not long after leaving home, Gabriela realised that her baby wasn’t going to wait until they reached the hospital. The couple was met by fellow obstetrician Larissa Gomes, doula Joana Nunes and birth photographer Deborah Ghelman.

And they all helped bring baby Arthur into the world, in the backseat of the car.

“It was something very fast and it surprised me a lot. When I saw that I was already nine centimeters, there was that fear, that anguish of the transport process and the fear of ‘will I be able to make it on time or not?’ There was no time, but I had very good support”, said Gabriela (translated by Google Translate, as told to Pernambuco).

Gabriela described the birth as ‘crazy’, and she admits it’s a story to rival that of the birth of her first son, Dante.

“Dante was also a very different birth, in the bathtub, of a little baby inside the bag. My first birth was very beautiful. I imagined that this one would be overcome with emotion, not all this madness, but it really was and I have two very good stories to tell,” she said.

car birth

car birth

car birth

car birth

car birth

car birth

car birth

Photographer Deborah says this was the first out-of-hospital birth she’s photographed out of the 250 she’s attended.

“It was a mixture of feelings, but I didn’t feel afraid at any moment. It was adrenaline and happiness, for making sure that she was assisted and that it was flowing in a very natural way. Everyone was in the car laughing and very happy. There was no despair, tension, just joy. At no time did she ask to speed up. She just said ‘you will be born here, stop and it will be in the best way’,” Deborah said.

(Image via Deborah Ghelman)

What an amazing birth! Was your baby born somewhere other than a hospital? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • So she had her fellow obstetrician Larissa Gomes, her doula Joana Nunes and her birth photographer Deborah Ghelman in the car with her. Am I the only one to wonder if this was mere coincidence ?? Never the less it is an amazing and different birth story indeed and beautiful that it was such flowing and natural experience.


  • No my kids were hospital births -although I wished differently- but due to my age I had no option. I had my first at 40 year of age. With my first I had a scan at wk 28 as I wanted to book for a waterbirth, at which point I had to stay in the hospital for an emergency C-section.

    • As I had a classical section with my first, there was a bigger chance of rupture with my following births. With the classical section there was a horizontal cut in my belly wall, but a vertcal cut in the womb and inner layers. So following the first birth I had to go for planned sections


  • Wow….good for her. She certainly did well.


  • The fact that fellow obstetrician Larissa Gomes, doula Joana Nunes and birth photographer Deborah Ghelman in time at the scene makes it sound that it was staged


  • I would not have been either calm or happy!


  • I cannot imagine having to deliver my own baby outside of a hospital. Would be so scarey


  • It probably helped that she had a lot of knowledge as an obstetirician. Good luck to them all!


  • This would have freaked me out. Glad that they had a happy outcome.


  • These things happen – I just managed to get to the hospital doors but was prepared to have the baby in the car. Very fast birth and no way there was any prepping – didn’t even get to the birth suite before my beautiful daughter was with me in my arms. Had some photos taken after her birth and she was so peaceful and happy – still is to this day. Thank heavens

    • Well done Mom101628 ! Thanks heavens all went ok and your daughter was peaceful & happy then and now


  • Wow, talk about excitement. My baby however was born in a hospital.


  • Wow how crazy was that. Even photos taken.


  • Must have been a long distance to the hospital if her doula and photographer could meet her on the way. Just so happy that she had a safe birth and that baby Arthur is doing well. Congratulations to the happy couple and to Dante who now has a little baby brother.


  • I love how they still managed to capture the photos even though she couldn’t make it to the hospital.


  • What an amazing story. The photos are beautiful.


  • Wow! Crazy story. Amazing that the support and photographer could make it to them at least!


  • Wow! I can’t believe there was a photographer there and at the ready!! Glad to hear all is well.

    • Maybe it wasn’t as unexpected ?


  • Amazing birth indeed.
    When she wasn’t able to reach the hospital in time, I wonder how it was possible to have her fellow obstetrician Larissa Gomes, doula Joana Nunes and birth photographer Deborah Ghelman in time at the scene ??


  • It always amazes me how some babies come so quick- that wasn’t my experience!


  • Wow, what an amazing yet scary experience. All 3 of my kids born in hospital. 1 natural, 1 induced and 1 c-section.


  • It looks like they handled it really well. What a beautiful moment.


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