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Curious little beings who love to know exactly how something works, are meticulous and studious as well as humble, Virgo babies and children are amazingly analytical and helpful.

Astrologer Debra Underwood is sharing her extensive knowledge and insights into the characteristics of children born under each star sign. She explores their personality traits, how to help them spark joy, and ways that we can help and challenge our little stars.

Want to tune into the energies of the children in your world, and discover something new as you Explore their Sun? Join us each month as we follow the Sun’s loop of the Zodiac. As with Leo Sun Child last month, this month, we explore the characteristics of the Virgo Sun Child.

Virgo Sun Child

Astrology Signs (3)

Virgo Sun Sign dates for 2023 (August 23rd – September 23rd)

As a curious parent, it’s important to know that the dates and times of each Sun Sign can vary slightly from year to year. If your child is born on, or close to these dates, a Birth Chart can accurately decipher their true Sun Sign. The time and location are also valuable details. For example: The Sun moves into Virgo close 7:15 pm on 23rd August, 2023, Sydney, Australia time. Birth Charts are coloured with vibrational influences and angles that add flavour to your Child’s Sun Sign expression.

It’s also interesting to note that each Sun Sign has its own Symbol, Element and Ruling Planet. They synergize and flow through your child’s character. Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac, so let’s begin by delving into the energies and personality traits of Virgo Sun Child, followed by helpful tips to guide, support and spark their joy.

Is a VIRGO SUN CHILD buttoned up under your loving wing?

Virgo Sun Child Symbol: Virgin/Maiden

In astrology, the symbols are representative of the energy and characteristics of each of the twelve signs, which mostly derive from Ancient Greece, Rome, and as far back as Babylonian times.

The Virgo Sun Child’s symbol is The Virgin/Maiden. Innocent and pure of spirit, the symbology lends itself to self containment and self sufficiency. Innately connected to agriculture and the nature of fertility, she carries a sheaf of wheat, planning and preparing a bountiful, organic harvest. Delightful!

Here you may have a pocket sized florist in your midst with only the best selections and arrangements. Or perhaps a mini landscape technician at your service, quietly counting and designing linear pebble arrangements for your pleasure! “With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row”

Does your Virgo Sun Child’s nature align with the qualities of their Symbol?

Virgo Sun Child Element: Earth

Interestingly, Fire, Earth, Air and Water are known as the four elements in astrology. Each element belongs to three of the twelve zodiac signs.
The four elements relate to different aspects of the self and EARTH relates to our “physicality and reality”. It is expressed internally, is responsive, centering and grounding, and is all about what you see is real and being in the here and now.

A strong connection to the earth through all that is natural, pure, and of practical use can offer great healing power for your Virgo Sun Child. The physical body, Being in the moment, Reality, Reliability, Stability, and Seeking manifestation through functional means all disperse Virgo Sun Child Earth element vibes.

Virgo shares the element of Earth with Capricorn and Taurus. The three signs possess individual qualities based around the element of Earth, and when grouped together have a common thread of compatibility within the zodiac.

We can see our growing Earth children thrive in natural environments with physical hands-on activities, where sensations are ripe, and tangible projects come to fruition. You could find your handy Virgo Sun Child busily rustling up an agenda of play strategies, for maximum fun effectiveness!

Do you see the qualities of the Earth element present in your Virgo Sun Child?

Virgo Sun Child Ruling Planet: Mercury

Over time, each sign has been allocated a Ruling Planet. From an astrological perspective, the zodiac signs and planets in the Solar System were matched up, largely based on their thematic relationship to one another.

As you foster your Virgo Sun Child’s radiance, it’s interesting to note that Mercury dually rules Virgo and Gemini. With Mercury’s rapid and energetic Archetype The Messenger, there are similar threads to both signs. Consequently, as Mercury is so close to the Sun, both are sensitive to their immediate environment. With information and intelligence in spades, Virgo will install the doorbell and Gemini will ring it!

However, as a marked point of difference, Mercury’s chameleon-esque nature sends out a new code for your Virgo Sun Child. Vibrating, and ticking over with the precision of a well crafted timepiece, they are much like little hard drives, super keen to filter, sort, understand and compute. They use their intellectual curiosity and earthy sensibilities to break down, pull apart and discover the inner workings of anything and everything!

Consider these phrases as Mercury transmits and plays its introspective card within your Virgo Sun Child’s personality; Compartmentalisation, Acute Observation, Analysis and Earthy, Nimble, Trickery through both the mind and hands.

Does your Virgo Sun Child, love order, notice fine details and dabble in a variety of tactile interests? Does everything have to make logical sense? If so, they’re living true to their Sun Signs main objective, by processing the vibrations of their Ruler Mercury.

Virgo Sun Child Personality


By now, you’re sure to have gained a true sense of your Virgo Sun Child’s Astrological energy.

As their Sun Sign is their life force and expression, enjoy this list of character traits that may ring true as you see your Virgo Sun Child at their most luminous.

  • Tidy
  • Crafty
  • Skilful
  • Helpful
  • Natural
  • Humble
  • Reserved
  • Fastidious
  • Considerate
  • Quick & Alert
  • Highly selective
  • Health conscious
  • Flexible & Efficient
  • Meticulous & Studious
  • Dependable & Routine
  • Discerning & Analytical

Any light bulb moments?

Heard of the saying “Ducks in a row”? Yes please. Ok, I’m buying what Virgo’s selling, for a total lifestyle refit, overhaul, modification and purification. Add to the list please, then speed dial Day Spa with that tasty herbal tea!

How To Spark Joy In Your Virgo Child

Enjoy taking in these Hot tips for the healthy expression of their life force.

  • See them light up with a visit to the local market, or a fruit picking expedition. With Basket dividers in hand, observe their selections, cataloging and immaculate colour coding.
  • Your Virgo Sun Child may be a fussy eater, and later on, quite health conscious, so saluting their choices could help satisfy their hungry little bellies. Online ordering is fun too. They could surprise you with their magnified budgeting capabilities!
  • Bask in their brightest light as you admire their ‘neat’ handwriting, drawings and builds. Attention to detail and striving for accuracy is their thing. Modesty also plays a role with your Virgo Sun Child and as a result they may appear to brush off compliments, however your appreciation of their due diligence won’t go unnoticed and they’ll soak it up quietly.
  • Enlighten and kindle their flair for order and categorisation with a visit to the local library. Closer to home, occupy them with a pantry repack and stack for ‘fun’ yikes! Your Virgo Sun Child may well teach you a thing or two about effective design and waste. Notably, they can leave a string of projects behind them and one shelf could be left wanting! So hit while hot with an incentive for their efforts and they do like money 😉 Beware if you become lackadaisical with their industriousness, or the perfection patrol will be onto you with a tiny tantrum!
  • Channel their earth and rouse your Virgo Sun Child’s sustainability aesthetic, propagating seeds row by row in a tiny garden. Relish in their fascination as they zero in on the minutiae of nature and its cycles, tending to every development and step with precision, care and refinement. Don’t forget the gloves as dirty hands are rarely their friend. For indoor play, miniature dolls houses, intricate builds, and a game of “Let’s scrutinise the validity of toy repair jobs”!
  • Be the instigator of luminous laughter with stories, videos and pictures of your cake flops, bellyflops and bloopers! Show them that it’s fun to laugh at yourself as we are all but mere mortals! We all love a giggle and for your Virgo Sun Child a true “giggle” it is, then back to the job at hand!
  • See them shine as you openly acknowledge their manners and consideration of punctuality, mostly! This could work to your advantage, as Your Virgo Sun Child has a distaste for irresponsibility and an acute awareness of consequences. They could well be the first to tell the time and tie shoelaces. Praise be, as Velcro is too easy!
  • Ignite their intelligence with puzzlers, planning and to do lists. Your Virgo Sun Child could be an erudite navigator and itinerary maker too. They feel at home in natural surroundings, so hold your coffee and surrender the map in wildlife parks and gardens. You won’t miss a thing.
  • Conservation is a topic that piques their interest, and besides that, quiz them on all manner of subjects as their memory for statistics and facts can be mind blowing!

Fill their happiness cup and their willingness to lend a hand, by allowing them to take on grown
up roles such as; washing the car (handy lol and you’ll never see it shinier), or routinely feeding
the family pets and neighbours pets when they’re away. Not to forget regular inventory checks
of the household first aid kit! You’ll be in great hands with your pint-sized Virgo nurse!

Did you know that in Astrology, from the day you are born, your life force, energy and expression is largely determined by the Sun’s position in the Zodiac? The Sun represents life and illuminates the world around us. It is the largest star in the Solar System, and its energy vibrates and adorns you with the flavours and characteristics of the Sign you were born under.
Your Sun Sign, also known as your Star Sign, represents your core personality, and how you shine through life. It’s where you are at your most luminous. From an earthbound perspective, the Sun takes one year to complete a circuit of the Zodiac, and spends approximately four weeks in each of the twelve signs.

Virgo Sun Child Mum Inspiration

A few extra tricks up your sleeve as you look to the Sun for a Super Mum boost!

Challenge your Virgo Sun Child to deviate from routine, precision, high standards and personal expectations, to chill, dream and play. They can be very serious about filling every moment of their spare time, and can learn a lot about themselves through ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’.

Support your Virgo Sun Child when amongst strangers and in unfamiliar surroundings. They may be initially shy or reticent until they feel comfortable. This is not to say your Virgo Sun Child won’t be chatty. After all, Mercury is their ruler, so don’t be fooled by this conservative trickster. They’re absorbing and exploring on an intellectual level, and just need time to warm up.

Guide your Virgo Sun Child in the implementation of boundaries as they devote their care and service to specific areas of life. They have a self sacrificing nature, with a motivation to fix and serve the needs of others. They love to be useful through the knowledge they‘ve garnered, so reminding them of perimeters and self sufficiency can be helpful in the prevention of over stretching their personal limits.

Encourage physical activity to shake off restless energy carried over from their ruler, Mercury. The transfer of mind to body is soul food for this sign. On finding the perfect outlet, Your Virgo Sun Child will set to work, practicing methodically and routinely until they level up to a self satisfied standard. Hop into your activewear and keenly observe, as in no time they’ll switch from apprentice to mentor, and you’ll be the student of their tutorials!

Approach with facts, a plan, clear time limits and objectives to spark the attention of your Virgo Sun Child. They respond well to schedule and like to be well armed and ready for what’s ahead. Be open to “self prep” leading up to “go time” and see who’s telling who to get a move on!

Stimulate their learning and creativity with tools in the best of nick and a clean workspace. When they’re set, don’t move anything! Your highly skilled micro editors love to be neat and tidy and will be the first to call you out on missing a spot or forgetting to dot the ‘i’s. Heads up! Your Virgo Sun Child can have occasional bouts of disorder too. You may be surprised to find a shrouded messy area, and if this is pointed out you’ll be promptly informed “It’s a work in progress!”

Tackle your hard working Virgo Sun Child’s exacting and thorough nature, with a loving buffer of unconditional acceptance and zero shame. It’s handy to know that in their pursuit of perfection, your Virgo Sun Child can be very hard on themselves. The presentation of anything unfinished does not sit well, and they may show indifference if overwhelmed. When the occasional ball is dropped, be there for them without judgement or criticism, and acknowledge their efforts with emotional honesty, honouring their purity of heart. Reboot with fresh air, pets, bare feet, sunshine and the glory of the garden.

Inspire your Virgo Sun Child to toot their own horn. They are often self-effacing background players, and a little prod with your backing can see these hidden jewels of the zodiac sparkle, glisten and gleam!

Virgo Sun Child Playlist

Little Things – Dirt Girl
Perfect – Ed Sheeran
Morning Routine Song – Little Baby Bum
Clockwork – Zach Martino feat.KC
Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? – CBeebies

Virgo Sun Child Quote:

Words will be just words till you bring them to life – Niall Horan

Shine Bright, Virgo Child

As your Virgo Sun Child grows, watch them identify and own their skills and talents. See them find personal reward as they let go of external and internal limitations, criticism and apprehension, to welcome the joy of fulfilment and completion. Applaud their radiant capacity to laugh away any hiccups with self love and acceptance.

Follow their lead motivated by ethical expertise and diligent affection. Befriend your flaws and welcome the day with the flexibility to adapt to life’s changing harvests. And as your child’s greatest mentor, equipped with the added point of view of their Sun Sign, you can light the
pathway to their true happiness potential and trajectory of spirit!

I look forward to you joining me next month as we continue our loop around the zodiac, exploring Libra Sun Child.

Love and abundant sunshine, Debra✨


Debra is a Certified Modern Astrologer from Sydney, Australia, specialising in children’s birth charts. An astrological messenger, Debra offers interpretive pathways, and positive insight into your child’s abundant, evolving growth potential. Debra’s heart space finds joy, wonderment and enrichment from the unguarded, natural expression of children. Being a mum further ignites her innate desire to champion the unique qualities, and astrological signatures of the precious little gems in our lives.

Debra’s lifelong connection to Astrology, finds her invested in sharing the deep and significant awakening a reading can bring. Drawing on her vast observations and years of tuition, she guides you in celebrating and supporting your child’s individuality and luminosity. It’s intrinsic to know your child, and to add a sprinkle of stardust can be enlightening. Connect with Debra at Mini Signet.

  • I just read this article again a year on from reading it the first time. It DEFINITELY sums up my son and I, who both just celebrated our 2024 Virgo birthdays. It is incredible that star signs seem to ring true in the reality and personality of so many people I know. We are both such typical Virgos!


  • Can completely see this in my oldest and myself as both Virgo’s and explains a lot. Interesting read


  • I have. Two virgo children one fits this too perfectly but the other nothing


  • Shine Bright Virgo Child. What a interesting article. ???? Had me quite entinced and cannot wait for the next one.


  • Being a Virgo myself some of the else traits so so true – especially for me


  • Best star sign imo ????


  • I’m a virgo myself and some of these really are true!


  • I have a little virgo and she definitely has a lot of these traits. She’s not tidy but maybe that will change as she gets older lol. Very interesting article, thank you 🙂


  • Do wish my Virgo had a few more of these traits.


  • No Virgos in our family but I do know a Virgo child. Some of those qualities above are obvious, others not so much.


  • No Virgos in our fam and not really into star signs but thank you for the insight.


  • Interesting article. Can’t wait for the November article.


  • Sounds like the perfect child lol. I want one.


  • Astrology is interesting and thanks for sharing.

    • Recently purchased some books on astrology as I like to explore and research all areas.


  • Thanks for sharing. I’m not into Astrology


  • My sister is a Virgo. She definitely has a lot of these traits.


  • always interesting reading up on these each month


  • I’ll show a friend who is due at the end of the month!


  • I always look forward to these articles each month. Always a great read.


  • I’m sure a lot of readers appreciate these detailed astrological insignts.


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