

Doctor shares video to warn parents after young boy swallows party whistle.

The video shows the Argentinian schoolboy honking with each breath after he swallowed part of a party horn.

His doctor, Gomez Zuviria, released the video of the boy as a warning to parents about watching what children put in their mouths.

Reportedly the video was recorded in a hospital emergency room in the northwestern Argentine province of Tucuman.

After capturing the video, the doctor then had to remove the object surgically.

A picture shows the tiny white plastic whistle that had become lodged in his windpipe.


I always think I am just being a paranoid mother when I keep nagging my eight year old to STOP putting things in his mouth incase he accidentally swallows it and chokes. I think I might just keep nagging now though!

It can happen so easily!

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  • Very lucky little boy – you can’t ever be vigilant enough around children. They do things so quickly that can harm them.


  • wow lucky he was alright and could still breath. be vigilant with your kids!


  • My 7year old has at the moment the habit to put small things in the mouth and I don’t like it at all ! Objects can get stuck which can have fatal consequences.
    Will show her this video.


  • I never even considered a party whistle as being a problem?? We have them in party bags all the time. I’ll be watching my kids a bit more closely with them in the future.


  • Better to be a nag than a grieving parent.


  • Children do put toys and other objects in their mouths – these things do happen and can be quite scary and even life threatening.


  • wow that would have been extremely scary :( I don’t like them anyway, I will make sure to watch my girls if they come into contact with one!


  • I have always hated them for that reason, have been so paranoid of them choking on it whilst running around or inhaling!


  • Oh my! Scary. And not just for kids but for our pets too!


  • You just never know,thanks for the warning!


  • I am such a nagger about not putting things in your mouth.


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