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How much stress are you carrying around? 

Do you feel tightness in your body and a cluttered mind? Do you sometimes feel burdened by life’s challenges, circumstances and emotional issues?

Becoming more grounded and happy starts with letting go of worry and stress.

I learned this on my own continued journey, the practice of meditation and yoga was my tool, healing myself from within, letting go of the need to drink alcohol, exercise at a competitive level all the time. I walked away from a career in owning my own Hair and Beauty Salon’s to follow my heart to do something that really felt more aligned to my soul purpose and what I am really passionate about.

Becoming an author was a dream, health coach, yoga and wellness retreat facilitator, writer and more and more these days life coaching and mentoring others.

However in the process, I had to let go of a lot of things to become the person I am today.

Physically, spiritually and emotionally, I had to learn how to let go of the person I thought I should be in order to be the person I really wanted to be. Letting go of anything in life, takes courage to really find your authentic self, it can be a little scary, but it can also be an amazing act of self-love. 

Letting go of things that don’t really serve you in mind and body take courage and faith. Letting go of my stress and worries made a difference for me, of course as my personal mentor would say I still dip in and out of some of low basement thought patterns and feel stress from time to time, but I am making great progress and it is possible for YOU too, to live your life on soul purpose. 

I’ve found the below tips a good reminder of what I need to strive for each day in order to reach unlimited contentment:

Life does not wait for you; YOU have to make the first move, let it begin with you.

You have to become the change in YOU first to change your world you live in.

I say let go of fear and GO FOR IT. What have you got to lose? Make 2015 one of the best years ever.

Tip: Get clear your intentions today for 2015, write them down, set a plan, take action, and lastly TRUST THE PROCESS because life will support you and your grand design in what ever you want your life to be, but only when you are game enough to let go of anything that may not serve you anymore and move into your dreams with love and light. 

Love is the healer, you have to love what you do in life and love yourself first, then love everyone and everything around you. You will attract loving positive amazing people and opportunities.

Below are some tips to help remind you what you need to strive for each day in order to reach unlimited energy, great health and contentment. Try reading them daily it will help you move out of pain, and into enlightenment love and contentment.

  1. Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do in life.
  2. Let go of all thoughts that don’t make you feel empowered and strong. Practice positive self-nurturing affirmations and thought process. Nature intended life to be great of you.
  3. Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself. Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the diversity of it all.
  4. Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever” was exactly what you wanted. Be honest. You are the co creator of your life. The past is part of who you are today… let go of regret.
  5. Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don’t want. It takes courage to let go of worry. Learn to live in the present moment. Worrying is living in the future, it has not happened and the likely-hood is it won’t.
  6. Let go of blaming anyone for anything.  Be accountable and responsible for your own life. If you don’t like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it. This is a big one in Divorce. Let go of what if, why, and spending too much time on blaming others. This will help you be in the driver’s seat again of your life. You are exactly where you need to be right now to learn and grow from the experience.
  7. Let go of thinking you are damaged; you are not! You matter, and the world needs you just as you are. You are amazing just the way you are and can offer the world your uniqueness. An act of self love. 
  8. Let go of being the “go-to-person” for everyone, all the time. Stop putting yourself last (a note from my How To Be a Happier Mum) and take care of yourself first, because you matter. You have to restore and re balance in order to look after everyone else. You may have to stop and rest, not for long but rest and restore then GO again with everything in balance, rather than extreme.
  9. Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more in love, successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you right now. Believe it.
  10. Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It’s time to move on and tell a new story. Create a new life plan and intention for your life, then live in the present moment the rest will be amazing.
  11. Let go of thinking you are not where you should be in life. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go. Asking the question daily ‘Where do I want to go? Who do I want to speak to and what do I need to know today?’
  12. Let go of angst, blame and hatred toward ex lovers and family. It will not serve you. We all deserve happiness and love; just because it is over doesn’t mean the love was wrong. The love was special at the time and now you have moved forward. If you are not together, you are clearly not meant to be. Things can go wrong and take twists and turn but it doesn’t necessarily mean it was wrong at the time.
  13. Let go of thinking you have to know how to make it happen; we learn the way on the way. Enjoy your journey of not knowing everything in the moment and changing your mindset to be open to learn and grow.
  14. Let go of your money worries — make a plan to pay off debt and focus on your gratitude abundance. It can take the stress out of everything, find someone who is an expert and who can help you plan and guide you.
  15. Let go of always trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding. Just be YOU! Learn to love yourself first and everyone will love you!
  16. Let go of self-hate. Learn to practice self love everyday. The universe needs you and loves you the way you are. But be responsible for looking after yourself from a holistic level. See ‘Looking after yourself in the How to be a Happier Mum’ book, available here.

What are you letting go of to make 2015 the best year yet?

Take the time to reflect today on 2014 then LET IT GO, saviour the happy and positive loving memories.  Enjoy setting clear intentions for 2015.

In closing I wish YOU great success, health, contentment, work and life satisfaction, unconditional and unlimited love.

How have you taken positive steps to make 2015 your best year yet, we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Main image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • A wonderful read, very inspiring, thanks.


  • Letting go…..I have so much I need to let go off. I’m not sure if I can. I’m not sure if letting go would make me happier or my life better. Sone things you just can’t let go of


  • I’m going to try the Let it Go philosophy from now on.


  • wow i love this i have just book marked it so i can look back when i feel flat!


  • If it is to be, it is up to me. An oldie but a goodie.


  • Haha.. Was I the only one who couldn’t stop singing let it go while reading that? Arghhhhh


  • Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life!


  • great read thanks for sharing very helpful


  • it s great


  • this is my main goal for 2015. im doing lots ofreading in areas i want to improve on as a start


  • Great article with lots of good tips, thanks.


  • Just be you, and love the you, you are!


  • some great tips although I think some of them are harder to over come without help


  • Thank you for sharing your feedback Ladies!!! Well done on all of your changes so far!
    2015 is the year to manifest all your goals dreams desires and everything you have been working towards. Enjoy this amazing energy here.
    Blessings Nicky x


  • I like this article a lot. Yoga and meditation doesn’t work for me. So thinking positive affirmations is very important. Also changing thinking to be more away and to let go is a fantastic idea. bookmarking this for future reading!


  • Great and inspirational tips. I will be taking up yoga again from next week. I will be making more time for me. I will continue to be grateful and thankful for the good things in my life. I will work more on me.


  • These suggestions are very positive and powerful. Sometimes you just have to experience the downs before you are truly ready to modify behaviour. This year I have been looking people in the eye and making the effort to catch up with people.


  • I had my goal as my resolution last year to live a much more positive life and create a better positive environment for my family. It’s the best and most rewarding thing you can do for yourself and your family.


  • Letting go of blame is a big one for me as is thinking everyone else is happier.
    Two weeks with no booze is one small achievement I’m proud of so far.


  • Love number 15..if folks don’t like me for who I am, it’s their loss.
    Thanks for this informative article.


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