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In a blink of an eye, your children grow up, do you ever want to hit ‘pause’, or ‘rewind’ to truly appreciate their childhood before it’s too late?

Do you ever stop and realise how quickly time is flying and wish for some of the different stages back with your kids?

As a mum of toddlers, your life can be so frantic and absorbed in your children’s lives and not your own, that you crave those days when they’re at preschool and you can “get a little of you back”. I say this in quotes as if others have said it, but really it’s come from my own mouth often.

And then they grow a little more and start school. Which means you have so much more time to be you, to work, to exercise, to do whatever, and to have a think about who you are again. Nothing show-stopping here, this is just the reality of life and growing up.

You think back on the “hard” days (I’m thinking of a wet frozen mum, one shivering toddler and one squirmy baby in the swimming pool change rooms as you attempt to quickly shove reluctant, damp legs into trousers while stopping the baby rolling off the change table and simultaneously open a bag of rice wheels). It’s these moments that you realise you’ve just blown $30 on half an hour of singing Hokey Tokey in the water, when you could have done it at home for free, while warm and dry.

We’ve all been there; we all have our own version of pain.

Occasionally, while trawling through the TV channels, I might stumble across some of the children’s TV channels. The days of these programs are over for me now.  My children are at the next stage of their TV viewing life span. I will never have a curly headed fella laying in a Thomas the Tank Engine beanbag at 3.30pm on a weekday afternoon, still foggy from his afternoon sleep, watching Blues Clues or Postman Pat. Peacefully.

These were the days we had nowhere to race to, no need to bang on about homework, or to nag about electronics.

My boys don’t even do playgrounds anymore (unless they’re allowed to take their scooters in and terrorise other kids racing around at breakneck speed).

I don’t get to push my squealing little guys higher and higher for as long as I can before the next child comes along wanting a turn.


There are so many things that are over, but possibly the most significant is that I don’t get to carry my children anymore. After years and years of carrying my babies’ places, they are now too big and too old to be carried anywhere.

That’s a sobering thought when the children you’ve carried their whole life can no longer be carried. Perhaps this is just another metaphor for growing up and away.

The tragedy is this era finishes before you even realise it’s going to. And then once it’s over, it’s over. Pouff, gone.

Don’t yearn for “more me time”. Don’t begrudge the “tough” time. And don’t wish away these years – just cherish them.

What do you miss as a parent? Are you appreciating the stage you’re in now, knowing it won’t last forever?

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I miss everything about being a parent. I miss that they’re not here with me everyday. I miss that they don’t need me so much. But that’s a good thing isn’t it, means I’ve raised them right, to be capable and self sufficient. Now my eldest is about to become a parent, I feel him drifting even further away


  • I wish I had read this when my kids were little. I should have spent more time with them just enjoying being with them and enjoying our time together


  • when children grow up


  • We only live once – cherish all you can.


  • This feeling is one of the reasons we have decided to home school…yearn for more family time, me time can wait….


  • Since I have had my son, time seems to be going twice as fast.


  • time does go so fast and they grup up so quick


  • I have a baby and a toddler so I can relate to paragraph three. This article has made me appreciate yet again the richness of my life and to enjoy being the world to my children at this age.


  • Yes, I totally agree. You have to cherish those special years with your children, because they do grow up so quickly. Every know and again I come across a photograph of one of my children and this instantly triggers the memory of what took place that time of that photo. I was a stay at home mum and I cherished every day with my children and would do it over again if I got the chance. They are special people to me and although they are adults today, my love for them has and will never change, because our children will always be exactly that, our children. They may grow up but they will always have a place of importance in my heart and life and I will always hope to reflect back to those special times and moments which have been marked so indelibly on my memory forever and will carry them with me all of my life. The best thing that ever happened to me was becoming a mother, especially as I was informed once that I would never have children, I had four, and the rest is history…
    Cherish your children throughout every stage of their development and even throughout their adult lives, keep the links of communication open and transparent and no matter what, they will always find their way back to you somehow, some way, some day. Cheers to parenthood…it’s a great life if you don’t weaken.


  • it s just great to read and look at these things


  • I just want to keep them little forever!


  • it s super


  • I miss them sitting on my knee with there arms wrapped around my neck


  • Time flies when you think back your child as a little baby.


  • You just have to appreciate every moment.


  • I just recently put my hand in the drawer and randomly pulled out a DVD of my son. It happened to include vision from 2 to 3 years and reminded me of how fast he has grown. I just want that cuteness back. That adorable little personality. That approval from Mum or the shout out to watch him. The Cheers and thumbs up to Mum. The cuddles. My Mum always said don’t wish the years away. I understand now, that you can’t get them back.


  • Time does fly by way too quickly and definitely treasure every precious moment.


  • Time goes by too quickly


  • I hated it when I no longer had an under 5yr old in the house. For 14yrs I had always had an under 5 and it was a a sad day for me when my youngest started Grade one.
    Now my youngest is doing her first year at Uni and planning her first big overseas trip at the end of the year…she wont be home for Christmas or New years. Im so proud of her but stunned at how quickly all this has happened….where did my babies go?


  • yes i think that it is a hard fact to deal with and i just wanted to add that i will miss being able to pick up my kids.


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