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Mum divides the internet after sharing she is considering changing her four year old daughter’s name that she no longer loves.

Taking to online forum Mumsnet, the mum claims she only started hating her daughter’s name after she sent her little one to school.

“I gave her a name (Esmee) which, I thought, was very original as I hadn’t heard another girl called it in about 20 years,” the mum explained.

“Only to find when she started nursery another girl called the same but spelt differently. [My daughter] is due to start full time education in September and there will be 2 other girls with the same name in the class.”

“Totally hacked off and really upset by this.

“Maybe an over reaction but in the 1970’s I was one of 5 named the same in my class and vowed never to have my DC’s live with the same. Now history is being repeated.

“Am I being unreasonable to change my DD’s name before September? I love her name but HATE it’s so common now.”


Despite the mum’s concerns, most people couldn’t believe the mum would even consider changing her daughter’s name at such an age.

– “I don’t think it’s up to you, surely it’s up to your daughter, it’s her name now, not yours! She might not care that she shares her name in the same way that you did.”

– “Are you crazy! She’s 4! You can’t change her name. Your DD won’t mind being one of 3. She is her name now, it belongs to her.”

– “I am so sorry but yes, she is 4 years not 4 months and will be so very confused if you change her name now!!”

What do you think MoM’s? Too old for a name change?

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  • WOW…. At the age of 4 its totally unreasonable to change her name.
    I named my middle child Chelsea. At the time I had only heard of one other Chelsea. (I lived overseas at the time of my early pregnancy but she was born here) Once she was named I found that more and more the name was becoming quite popular but I really didnt care because i really loved the name and all these years later i still love it.


  • Seriously! What a weird mother. I think it’s too late to change the name. Maybe give her a nickname if it’s such an issue


  • I never had another girl in my class with the same name until I started high school even though I have a common name. I would have been confused had my name been changed even at that age.


  • Yes, too late to change a name at age 4, just because mum struggles with the fact that the name isn’t as unique as she thought. Her message to her child should be that she’s is unique and loved no matter what. She would totally confuse her child, it could even cause problems in the development of her identity.


  • Who cares if someone else in her class has the same name. That happens all the time.


  • Ridiculous – I was always the other way and hated never knowing anyone else with my name.


  • Perhaps changing the intended school rather than her name, after four years I’m sure she has become accustomed to her name and changing it would cause much confusion. Goodluck witch whatever you choose


  • Being a Jennifer I totally understand how it is to be one of many.. and my son wanted to change his name at 4 to his middle name so I guess if you and she are happy about it,, change away.


  • Everyone shares their name with lots around the world, sometimes a few in the same class or school randomly. Yeah, once you have a name – its what is part of who you are, your uniqueness (so to speak) and changing it will feel weird to her and others…plus have you asked her if she wants to change it?


  • How silly. I loved my daughters name Heidi, and now I know a ton of them. I didn’t even know anyone else at the time! My other 3 children all know someone with their name, what’s the big deal?


  • How stupid. She will have no resilience if you change her name simply because you don’t want to have it shared with another in class. I have friends with the same name, who cares? Mum needs to get with reality.


  • You can’t just change a child’s name on a whim because you aren’t as unique as you thought you were. If it bothers you that much find a different school, but that poor girl would be so confused to have her name changed and she probably wouldn’t like to be named something different now. As a parent you get one chance to name your child, if they decide to change it later in life that’s up to them but as far as I’m concerned you’re given a name and that’s yours.


  • Wow, I do think it’s too late for a name change. It’s who your daughter is. She has grown in to that name and I imagine would only find it confusing to have her name changed.


  • How silly and confusing for the child if she does change it.
    It’s her name, she would suit it and I highly doubt the mum will eve going a name that no one else has.


  • A child is unique and special regardless of having the same name as any other child!


  • So in other words, she’s making it all about her under the guise of it being all about her daughter…..


  • Oh please, that’s not a reason to change it. Who really cares if there are two kids with the same name in the same class


  • Yeah, I think she’s too old for a name change.


  • Absolute ridiculous reason for changing a child’s name, especially so at that age!


  • Wow this is a tough call.
    I would personally leave it as is. I was the only Simone I knew of till about 24. It’s fairly uncommon. Plus silly teachers would call me Simon, I can even get Simoney. I always wondered what it would be like to have a commune name like Bec and be able to get all of the personalised merchandise and stationary.
    I almost envied the Amy, Charlotte and Melissa’s of the class for that reason lol.


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