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A fed-up woman has come up with a crafty way to stop people asking when she and her husband are having a baby. But her controversial ‘pregnancy jar’ has started causing issues of its own.

The woman, who has been married for six years, says while she and her husband want children, it just hasn’t happened for them yet. While the situation is stressful enough, the constant questioning from family and friends has only piled on the pressure.

“It’s obviously something we can’t control,” she explained on reddit. “We only wished that they’d stop but to no avail.”

So she came up with a way to put an end to the constant baby questions.

“So what I did was come up with idea (stupid I know) and that is have an empty jar and call it ‘Pregnancy Jar’. I carry it with me in my bag whenever I’m with friends and family and every time someone asks about when my husband and I are gonna have a baby, I pull my Jar out and ask them to drop a dollar in there for asking.

“I’d get puzzled looks but they reach out for their pockets/wallets/purses and pull out a dollar and put it inside the jar. It actually worked because most of them stopped asking after four months.”

‘They say I’m being childish’

But just recently the Pregnancy Jar made an appearance at a family dinner, and it did not go down well.

“Last week we had dinner at my parents house, My brother came back from his business trip that lasted a month and while we were eating he asked when me and my husband were going to have a kid. My husband paused, I got up from the chair and made my way to where my brother was sitting with my jar in my hand and asked him to drop a dollar for the question he asked. He stared at me then laughed nervously asking if I was being serious.

“Everyone was looking at us. He said no, he didn’t have to pay me but I told him he didn’t have to ask either so here we are! I could tell he felt embarrassed he immediately reached out to his pocket, pulled out his wallet and put a dollar in my jar. I made my way back to my seat and sat down and resumed eating like nothing happened.

“It got awkward afterward. Mum pulled me into the kitchen later to tell me that I embarrassed my brother in front of his wife and family and said I should quit acting childish by running around with a jar demanding others to put money in it. I told her they should quit asking then. She went on about how they’re just worried for us since we are in mid 30s and don’t have much time left if we want at least one healthy baby.

“I got upset and she started arguing. My husband and I left and we haven’t seen them in days, except I got a call from my sister basically siding with mum and the others saying I’m being childish.”

Now the woman wants to know if she’s in the wrong? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

  • Its not childish…..its rude for people to ask. Its about respect


  • Maybe she could try a different approach and tell these family and friends that they’re trying and it’s not happening for them at the moment so they’d respect it if everyone stopped asking and if and when they do fall pregnant everyone will find out when the time is right.


  • It’s an unique way and nothing wrong with it; These are questions you don’t have to answer full stop. So your brother got embarrassed when asked to put money in the jar for asking, did he and the others even thought about how embarrassed you maybe feel for having to answer this question ? And then your mother saying how they’re just worried for us since we are in mid 30s and don’t have much time left if we want at least one healthy baby. She knows how to justify their behaviour, but in the meantime they’re rather inconsiderate.


  • What a clever idea to stop nosy questions


  • I would just tell people to stop asking not start a collection jar


  • What a great idea good on her for doing this


  • I don’t see nothing wrong with it.


  • I don’t think she is in the wrong. Good on her actually I think. There is so much pressure in that simple question. And quite frankly if you Havent been fortunate in falling pregnant when you do want children that question makes the situation worse. Harder on the couple mentally!


  • I think it’s a novel way to handle the situation. Wish I had thought of it. There are so many reasons why one isn’t having a baby and why should you have to tell everyone who is being so insensitive as to ask. So her brother was embarrassed – did nobody think she might have been embarrassed by being constantly asked this question? Do hope the questions stop for you soon, and the rift in the family is healed enough for you all to get along with each other again.


  • Good idea, great way to save some extra dollars. It must be frustrating to keep being asked the same question they’ve already answered multiple times


  • Wow thats intense. I dont feel like you should force someone to hand over money either


  • They all need to chill out a little, People need to respect that she doesn’t like them to ask and she needs to appreciate that her passively aggressive way with the jar is not really okay.


  • I think as hard as it is she just needs to ignore them when the question is asked. I simply wouldn’t answer and would just change the subject.


  • Asking someone when they’re going to have a baby is not okay. So many people now have difficulty and having to explain it to everyone, even people you hardly know, strips you away a little bit at a time. I like her idea and clearly people need to get the message.


  • It’s a unique idea and would certainly stop people asking again and again.


  • I dont think anyone should ask when are you having kids. Maybe do you want kids but not when are you having them. Some people try for ages and have experienced loss or multiple losses trying, or just can’t have them. It’s a sensitive question.


  • Ok but this is brilliant because honestly who wants to tolerate the question


  • On one hand I think it’s a brilliant idea but it should only be brought out if people ask it more than once or make a big deal about it. She should have told her brother not to ask that question, that it’s upsetting and if he persisted, then bring out the jar.


  • I think it’s kinda funny. It should also make them stop and think and not be insensitive.


  • I quite like her response. Instead of making a heavy conversation about it (with risk the family won’t understand) she responds in a kind of playful way.


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