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“You have two boys? That’s a shame”…Someone actually made that comment to me the other day when I mentioned to them that I have two boys. Seriously.

“That’s a shame”. Those words cut me.

Why is it a shame that I have two healthy, happy boys? Is it because I have two boys, and not a boy and a girl?

It seems this person feels that I’m missing out on a great parenting experience by having two boys. Like I’ve been dealt a crap hand and not gotten a girl out of the deal with the universe.

Yes, I realise that that by not having a daughter, there are some things that I won’t get to experience. I won’t get to go shopping with my daughter for her wedding dress. I won’t ever be told, “Mum, I’m pregnant!”.

But you know what? I’m a proud mum of two boys, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

At the moment, when one of my boys farts, the other laughs like it is the most hilarious thing they’ve ever heard. In fact, our seven year old has actually fallen off his chair from laughing so hard at his younger brother’s fart before. He’s even taught the toddler the ‘pull my finger’ trick. Personally, I don’t get it, but it’s hard to not start laughing when they’re so caught up in the moment and in a fit of hysterical giggles.

I may never walk my daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, but I will make sure that the woman who marries my son will be marrying a gentleman.

I will make sure I help raise a man to be proud of. A man who shows respect and kindness, and hopefully by then, he has stopped laughing at farts.

Thanks to living with three males, Star Wars has somehow been absorbed into my brain without any effort on my behalf. The other day I actually referred to our seven year old as “Padawan” without even realising it…But I’d much rather that than have Frozen on constant replay!

I won’t have to deal with anyone else’s PMS in the house each month. That’s probably a very good thing as I’m pretty awful to be around when I have PMS, so for my husband to be subjected to living with other scary, cranky women, that would just be hell.

Yes, my boys will fight with each other. I’m not naïve enough to think that they will live in a peaceful cohabitated state and share all of their possessions with each other without arguments.

But when they do fight, it will be out of their system. No cattiness.

Even now when they squabble over a particular toy car, or one of them ‘steals’ the cardboard tube that is doubling as a light sabre (there is no escape from Star Wars in this house), within five minutes, they’re back to being great friends, giving each other a hug and have completely forgotten about the incident that caused the squabble in the first place.

I have two healthy, happy, clever boys. Yes, they drive me to the brink of madness every now and then, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

They’re my boys, and I couldn’t be more proud. I’m actually not missing out on anything at all.

Do you have all boys or all girls? Has it ever been implied to you that you’re somehow missing out too? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I can’t believe the comments people make. What difference does it make whether you have boys or girls, as long as they are happy and healthy. I have three boys and three girls, and they all have their different personalities and I get great enjoyment out of them for being individuals.


  • I have 2 wonderful, funny, loving and smart boys who are fast becoming young men. Yes teenagers can be adorable as well as occasionally moody as they try to stretch their wings, but I would not swap them for girls at all. They are my special gifts from God and are perfect for me.


  • Girls and boys are equally lovable and much adored. I have 2 of each. The only thing I cared about when I was pregnant each time was that the bub would be healthy. I did not care what sex it was.


  • I am the mother of an only child, a boy! I never imagined that I’d only have one child, but for many reasons that’s the way it is. He’s my gift and a miracle, and I’m thankful I have him. Thankfully, there is a growing number of parents with only children, but whoa, don’t people think they have a right to question you? I only know how to parent a boy so I don’t believe I’m missing out. I’m surrounded by nieces and friends with daughters who I love as much as if they were my own. I don’t feel that I’m missing out. I feel I’m lucky to be a Mum.

    • Exactly! As Mums we are lucky to have them and we love them regardless of what sex they are! xx


  • These senseless comments get on my nerves big time!We have 3 gorgeous girls 6,8 and 10 who are currently thinking farts and pull my finger jokes are hilarious too (definitely not gender specific!) Id not have it any other way because i was just so greatful to have 3 healthy, happy babies regardless of their sex! I have a brother with my 2 gorgeous nephews and a sister with two gorgeous nephews (one a week old!) and we were recently basking in the joy and newborn cuddles after visits to the hospital and they were all so so happy that this time everything had gone easily after their first being lucky number 10th try at IVF and the second also IVF assisted but straight away and a few scares at the end- so we were all hugely relieved and very happy that he was safe and healthy!! I was taken aback and cut when my close friend said “She probably secretly wishes she had a daughter second time around!!” I was honestly lost for words then I said “not at all I dont think-maybe for a split second but if you see her happiness now its the greatest thing and hes gorgeous why would you want it to be different?! My husbands subject to a house of 4 women, but as we realised a few years back, balanced by 3 “boy” fur babies and our crazy household of eight is busy,untidy most of the time, but loving which is to me the most important thing-we have children up to 10 to love and enjoy, then in a blink they’re in their teens and moving on and up (where have the last 10 gone!!) My husband probably cops the “pity” comments the most and mostly from women too (though Im sure that will change to blokes “in sympathy” for their teens!! I think he’s damn lucky to have a happy, healthy family that will love him until he’s very old and grey!! Our girls love nothing more than to go out on the boat fishing with Dad, kick the footy or soccerball in the paddock, have always played with trucks and cars and Lego (everywhere!) as well as dolls, dress ups and jewellery, nail polish, makeup!! Someone even asked us once “who’s your Daddy’s girl” and we answered all three are-they all adore Dad!!!) My eldest is over the pink stage and dresses now so Im glad I can stil hang them on the line for awhile longer for my youngest!! Please enjoy your children’s childhood no matter what or who they are as you only ever get it once and live with no regrets!!X


  • Brilliant article Emma, thanks for sharing! As a mum to two boys aged 7 and 9 I totally agree with all of your comments 🙂


  • This sort of thing would never have worried me – I had a son, then two girls. But my son was with my first husband, and the two girls were with my second. I never gave it a thought – but he wanted his OWN son. Caused lots of problems – than I had his son – and it caused even more problems for all of the children and eventually I divorced him.
    I have always been happy with what was there – it is a pity more people jusrt don’t accept what happens in life.


  • Well done for having two healthy boys and well said. Keep your chin up and the biscuits well hidden and enjoy the simplicity of your kids.


  • I was blessed with four beautiful healthy daughters and never wished for a son. I miscarried between number 2 and 3 and people used to say \”that was your boy\”.Sometimes I used to think I had boys the way they used to fight. They are grown now and are all friends and I wouldn\’t change it for the world.


  • It is such a privilege to have healthy and happy children no matter their gender! Thank you for sharing Emma – you are not alone and it is nice to know your gorgeous boys enjoy the humour of farts…! Growing up in a predominantly female house, I am on a steep learning curve…I never knew how entertaining bodily functions could be!


  • I have one of each. I get ‘ oh you have a pigeon pair, you don’t need to go back again now. You are very lucky.’ If we had another girl I would have been just as happy as we are with our boy. Lucky? Yes, lucky to have had two healthy babies!
    We are actually onto our third now and I’m just waiting for the ‘ oh why are u having another? U have a boy and a girl’ comments.
    Two of my sisters have 3 boys and are constantly asked if they are going to try for a girl. ( like u can choose anyway?)
    I am extremely happy with my kids, my daughter loves dolls, dresses, play makeup, jumping in puddles, playing football and playing with cars and my boy is only 8 months old but I’m sure he will play with everything too.
    Gender does not matter! They actually are not that different ( so far).


  • Yes prople have sent me their condolences!! They say I have to have another to have a girl. Sheesh! Love my 2 boys to bits!


  • What a fantastic article Emma! Thank you for sharing! I have 2 boys, although younger than Emma, but can totally relate to the things that boys do. Fight over silly things but then best mates 5 minutes later. Although I don’t want a 3rd I would want another boy because I love being a Mum to boys and have no desire to add a girl. I look forward to experiencing everything that the mother of boys will experience.


  • I have one of each, and people often say “Well done” – like I had any influence! I am happy to have one of each, but I can’t imagine that I would have been disappointed if I had two healthy children of the same gender.


  • All I ever wanted was 2 boys and I got 2 boys. If I had another kid I would want another boy. I am a girl, girls are my friends and girls are awesome. But for me boys rock! I love playing lego and playing dump trucks and getting dirty. I love riding bikes and wrestling on the carpet, flooding the backyard and digging holes. Yes they are crazy, busy, and complete maniacs sometimes. But life is so so much funnnnn!!


  • I have two beautiful healthy girls both through IVF and despite going through that people still have the nerve to comment on having a boy. these ignorant people should mind their own business. children despite there sex are all a wonderful blessing. Think of those people that can’t even have one child…


  • sometimes I envy mum’s who have two boys – I have two girls and even though they are only 8 and 4 I am already dreading their teens. I’m sure though that there are pros and cons to having two of the same sex kids!

    • LOL!! Im exactly where your at in thoughts as the proud mother of three gorgeous girls 6,8 and 10-dreading what comes after 10!! I have hope now though -as a lovely mum in our local craft/gift shop said to me yday “Oh really she said-No, I absolutely loved my 3 daughters in their teens, we were and still are all good friends and they’d come to me about everything!!She said her eldest now lives in WA but rings her daily at 6pm for a chat without fail!” I said “Wow!” You’d know if something was wrong there then-if it was mine-I’d be happy with every few days even like my mum and I still do since leaving home”!! That cheered me up a lot as figured there is hope yet that it will all go smoothly!! I guess all we can do is be their parent, be their friend, keep the lines of communication open and above all listen to them without judement so they feel they can tell you anything and everything!! I figure maybe if we just get through it at the time and treat the teens as just another life stage to work through then we will all be much closer and survive into the 20s family relations intact!! We can only hope!!


  • I have three boys and get comments all the time about not having a girl, it does annoy me as gender never bothered me I had a miscarriage in between my boys so healthy was all I wished for, I do not look at my friends who just have girls and think they missed out so why do people think it of us mums of boys.


  • Stupid comment and stupid person for making such a comment.
    I miscarried my first child and when came my beautiful daughter, when she was growing up everyone asked when are you going to have another …so please to these type of people, mind your own dam business. 11 yrs after my daughter came my beautiful son. Yes I may have one of each but children are a precious gift and everyone a pure joy …girl or boy.
    LOVE and WISHES to you ALL.


  • I am a mum of three boys. And yes early one would always get asked, are you going to try for a girl now…..
    well no… i m fortunate to have three healthy children. The gender matters not!

    • A shame about people not being happy at the safe arrival of a child regardless of gender. They need to look at the positives and not the imagined negatives. I completely agree with you – gender does not matter!


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