
215 Comment

Once the kids go back to school you can start receiving all of that gorgeous school artwork again.  What do you do with it though, stick it on the fridge or pop it in the cupboard?  How about displaying it so they can see it and admire their work?  This lovely canvas will give you a gorgeous piece for their walls and somewhere to keep all their artwork tidy as well.

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  • Very cool. I am going to make one and hang it in the kids playroom above their craft desk 🙂

    • Great idea, I’m deciding on fabric to make myself one to – thinking about 7 pegs – one for each day and hanging To Do lists on it…
      Kate 🙂


  • Those canvas’s are great. We have them around the hose to display photos. But this is also a good way to use them.


  • That is a really clever idea thanks!


  • Looks awesome – this perfect for hanging my little one artwork 🙂


  • this i a great idea and look awesomw


  • And cost effective! thanks for the ideas! Great to let kids decorate their room so they make an effort to keep it nice and tidy too lol…. Psychological tactic! 😛

    • Yes, exactly my reason for creating it!
      Plus my fridge is not magnetic!



  • the pegs are so cute covered like that. I’ve seen those canvas boards quite cheap in my local $2 shop so this is a really economical craft idea for me 🙂


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