
44 Comment

This is the perfect Easter craft for kids that love any excuse to dress up! A really fun way to start Easter morning in disguise as the Easter bunny!


  • 1 Paper plate
  • 40 Cotton balls
  • Grey cardboard
  • Black paper
  • Pink paper
  • Glue
  • Wooden craft stick
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape


  1. Ask an adult to carefully cut out the inside of the paper plate, leaving a frame around the edge.
  2. Use your scissors to cut out bunny shaped ears using the grey cardboard. Cut out 2 smaller ears using the pink paper and glue each one on top of the grey ears. Staple the ears to the edge of the plate.
  3. Cut 6 long strips of black paper and glue each one onto the side of the paper plate as whiskers. If you want to curl the whiskers then simply wrap each one around a pencil and unravel it.
  4. Apply glue around the plate and stick down all of the cotton balls (don't stick them over the whiskers).
  5. Turn the plate over and use the masking tape to stick the wood craft stick onto the back of the plate. Now your mask is ready to hold up and place over your face!

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About The Author

Jade is a mum to 2 beautiful boys, a loving wife and founder of PeekyMe. With a passion for all things crafty and spending time with kids creating, PeekyMe is about giving other parents and kids the opportunity to have fun engaging in craft and art activities. A great gift for any crafty little critter! www.peekyme.com.au

Author's webpage/blog: PeekyMe

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  • Thanks for sharing your cute bunny mask; maybe some holes for eyes? 🙂

    • Oops! Two hours of sleep and misplaced glasses due to the lack of sleep makes me a goose! 😉 No need for eye holes as the inner circle is cut out! Thanks again for sharing your super cute bunny mask. 🙂

      • yeah it is a little hard to tell when the background is so similar lol


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