

If you have a toddler who tends to eat store bought toothpaste, this alternative has no nasties in it.


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 5 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon xylitol powder
  • 10 drops liquid stevia or peppermint essential oil


  1. Melt the coconut oil.
  2. Add baking soda to the oil and stir with a fork until it forms a paste.
  3. Add the xylitol powder and stir to combine.
  4. Add the liquid stevia or peppermint essential oil and mix thoroughly.
  5. Store in a covered glass jar.


I like this version of toothpaste for my toddler as he doesn't want to eat it like lollies which is what happens when I buy store bought toothpaste. I would probably only use this until he is old enough to not swallow copious amounts of it however there is nothing stopping you from using it for all your children and yourself. I would strongly suggest regular checkups with your dentist as home made toothpaste doesn't have any fluoride in it.

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    • 05 Oct 2016
      2:08 pm

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  • Handy to know, thanks for sharing. Now have to search out xylitol powder (never heard of it before)


  • Great alternative for those looking for a toothpaste without fluoride


  • No thanks, I prefer fluoride in my toothpaste to help keep my teeth healthy and strong


  • A great natural method for toothpaste without all the additives.


  • I do this with baking soda instead of baking powder.


  • Toddler toothpaste is made for toddlers and babies so it doesn’t hurt if they swallow it. I think I’ll stick to the store bought for the fact it has fluoride added


  • We don’t have fluoride in our drinking water otherwise I’d try this! Didn’t realise it was so simple though.


  • This is a really great idea. I can’t believe its so easy to do, I will have to try it out.


  • I was going to say there’s no fluoride in this! I only ever put a tiny amount of toothpaste on kids toothbrushes, you don’t need much, so I’m unsure how any kid could eat copious amounts if people do the same as me.


  • I haven’t tried this but I’m wondering about the effect that baking powder would have on your teeth? Would it wear down enamel? I just know that it does disastrous things to my armpits when I used natural deodorant so would worry about my teeth.


  • A good one for those who can’t have fluoride.


  • This isn’t my thing but interesting to read anyway.


  • Can’t see myself getting rid of our toothpaste but a good standbye if we run out. Thanks for the recipe.

    • Yes good to have the recipe on standby just in case


  • A good alternative to regular toothpaste.

    • Thanks very much for sharing your toothpaste


  • Thanks for this. We try to use natural toothpaste, but it’s expensive.


  • Thanks for sharing this is a great idea


  • Good idea for your toddler maybe. I’m a bit concerned at the lack of fluoride though. Not sure I would use it long term


  • This is a great idea! Coconut oil is really great for cleaning teeth and removing bacteria from your mouth! I do oil pulling, everyday with it!


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