
54 Comment

Can be used in drawers and closets like a sachet, or used as decorations at Christmastime by hanging them from a mantel or tree, or even just set in an attractive bowl on a table. They will continue to give off their scent for years to come!


  • 1 Medium-sized orange
  • 100g Whole cloves
  • 1 Piercing tool (small screwdriver, wooden skewer)


  1. Using your small screwdriver or skewer make small holes in your orange, you can do this in a pattern or randomly
  2. Insert the whole cloves into these holes, make sure its a snug fit, you dont want your cloves falling out!
  3. You can tie with ribbon to hang or just find a nice place to display your pomander!


This is a long lasting craft, great for rainy days or festive preparations!

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  • mle00
    • 19 Mar 2014
      11:49 am

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  • These smell so beautiful at Xmas time


  • I remember these from when I was a kid. But they had the cloves closer together so you can’t see any of the orange, I think it also helps with preventing the orange from rotting


  • It says last for years but the orange would rotten wouldn’t it? I’m sure it would be good for a little while though. Thank you.

    • Yes I was thinking the same thing about the orange


  • A great idea for Christmas! Thanks!


  • What a great idea! Thanks for sharing this!


  • This is a great idea, I love natural scents


  • Thanks for sharing this ingenious idea; it is very interesting!.


  • Just read you comment about this lasting for years…I am now sold on the idea.


  • Thanks for sharing this clever idea; will give it a go as it sounds like a lovely combination.

    • Getting my ideas again for this Christmas!


  • first i was thinking that this was a cool little twist on decorating


  • Doesn’t the orange go rotten after a while?


  • I can almost smell it for here, thank you this is a really great idea that I’m going to use.


  • Does the orange go off or attract ants or fruit flies. I love the idea but I could do without bugs or mouldy orange.

    • yes i did wonder how long till the orange needs throwing out.


  • Great Christmas craft for kids to make to give to their relatives.


  • a very natural idea, thanks


  • think I may have to give this a try my daughter clothes came out stinky because she hadn’t worn them for ages yuk this is a must I think


  • I like the idea. It looks good, but how long does it last?

    • The cloves preserve the orange so it can last for years!

      • Wow… it can last for years. Very interesting.

      • I am just amazed that the cloves preserve the orange!


  • love making these they smell divine


  • We did this at christmas to hang on the tree


  • Looks pretty your orange pomander 🙂


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