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Brisbane mum Tara Bishop thought the dramatic roadside birth of her premature twins was as eventful as life could get. But then she got the most devastating news, just days later.

The 33-year-old’s twins Evelyn and Harvey arrived two months early, in an ambulance on the side of the Pacific Motorway, as her partner Hayden followed behind.

“I thought the ambulance stopped on the highway because Tara, who has a history of epilepsy, was having a seizure. But that wasn’t the case,” Hayden said. “I was following the ambulance in my car and noticed they had pulled over, so I ran to find out what happened.”

The twins were admitted to the Mater Mothers’ Hospital’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit, where they fought for their lives, struggling to breathe independently. Just 11 days later, Tara and Hayden received the news that would only add to their worries.

Doctor’s revealed Tara had endometrial cancer, detected by a routine pathology test on her placenta.

“What was supposed to be a happy time of our lives very quickly turned into an emotional rollercoaster,” Tara said.

“I was in a state of shock, dealing with the twins coming so early and then the diagnosis.

“You can have cancer of the uterus without any symptoms and I had no reason to suspect anything was wrong. When I look at my babies today I believe they are my little lifesavers.”

The couple are sharing their story, to raise awareness during Uterine Cancer Awareness Month.

Endometrial cancer, in the uterus lining, is the most common gynaecological cancer, and claims the lives of around 550 Australian women a year.


“It is extremely rare for a patient to be diagnosed with this type of cancer during pregnancy,” said Dr Naven Chetty, a gynaecological oncologist at Mater Private Hospital Brisbane and Mater Hospital Brisbane.

“Tara’s cancer was low-grade and she was in a rare age group to be presenting with endometrial cancer, and to present immediately post-partum is very unusual.”

Tara underwent a hysterectomy and her fallopian tubes were removed. She’s now cancer-free.

Dr Chetty explained that endometrial cancer is slow-growing, and most patients are successfully treated. Anyone with the following symptoms is urged to see their doctor:

  • any bleeding in post-menopausal women
  • persistent or abnormal bleeding in younger women


Tara and Hayden’s twins are now almost two, with the family celebrating their life-saving births.

“Their 10-year-old big sister Skylar adores them,” Tara said. “At no point would you look at the twins and know they were born two months’ premature.

“But then you would look at me and have no idea I had endometrial cancer.”

  • What a story!


  • I’m glad it was found early enough to treat.


  • I’m so glad that your cancer was found and dealt with and that you are now cancer free. There was a reason why your twins were born early, they were a double miracle for you.


  • That would be so terrifying. I can’t imagine giving birth to one in these circumstances let alone twins. Well done mum ???? ????


  • This family has been on a very scary roller-coaster ride, but how wonderful that all is well now in the end. I wish them all the best luck in the world, although they probably already have had that.
    Best wishes for your future.


  • Wow, miracles all round! Lucky she still got to have 3 beautiful kids.


  • So glad everything turned out ok for them all.


  • Wow! Giving birth to her twins early in itself was an amazing story and obviously very overwhelming. The cancer diagnosis, gee. That was just cruel. But how amazing there is a happy ending for this family. They so deserve it.


  • Congratulations to the parents and what a wonderful ending – healthy children and Mum is cancer free.
    Bravo ????????.


  • Wonderful that all is well with everyone.


  • Good news to be cancer free and have precious children.


  • I can imagine that receiving such news weighs heavy and impacts this special period of having your babies. Thanks God this story has a happy ending and the kids are blossoming whilst mum is cancer free


  • What’s scary situation. I can’t imagine hearing those words about your health when you’ve just brought two babes into the world and feel so hopeful. Really happy to read she’s now in the clear and has three beautiful kids.


  • I cant even imagine how she must have felt at such a fragile stage. Im glad she is ok. No one should ever have to experience it


  • Such a lucky family in many ways.

    • They are indeed, it shows how precious and vulnerable life is at the same time


  • I feel for this mother, what terrible news to receive after the birth of your twins. Such wonderful news to hear she is healthy and cancer free now. What a stressful and scary time for that family.


  • Devastating news but it’s goes to show everything happens for a reason. If the twins weren’t born early they possibly wouldn’t have known until it was too late.


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