
33 Comment

Great way to encourage writing activities by writing “letters to Santa” with their own home made mailbox.


  • 1 Sheet Wrapping Paper
  • 1 Empty Chip Carton
  • Roll Sticky Tape


  1. Wrap the chip packet box in wrapping paper leaving the flap open. Wrap the flap of the box as well.
  2. To make the flap like a real post box fold a small square of wrapping paper into a triangle and tape in the corners of where the flap is. Tape onto the edge of the box.
  3. Make a sign on your box.

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About The Author

Kate Shelby is an Australian mum blogger, mother and lover of superheroes in tight pants. Between raising kids and tackling life's curve balls you will find her at australianmum.com

Author's webpage/blog: Australian Mum

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  • Love it! I’ll be making this for the kids or with them this year.


  • oh no, just saw this too last, will put it in the ideas for next christmas. looks fun


  • Very fun. You can also post lots of other item to help get your very small child to practice saying words


  • Love it I’m always doing a trip to the local post office where they have a Santa’s mailbox to pop it in. I never thought to make one for at home with my children.


  • We always put the kids letters to Santa in the real letterbox, until the kids were old enough to do it themselves. They wouldn’t believe it would get to Santa in a home made letter box


  • I’m definitely doing this one. my son would love to write letters to Santa.. hahaha. Great thinking!


  • What an awesome idea I always recycle these never thought to make a cool letterbox.


  • Christmas is a lovely time. Great idea for the kids.


  • That’s a nice simple idea for Christmas.


  • What a great Christmas activity. So much fun.


  • Such a great idea – don’t buy one make it!


  • These are great under my tree so cute


  • Will be making one if these for my grandson. Always so much fun preparing for Xmas with little ones


  • Apart from a Xmas decoration, I don’t see the point of this as they can write a letter and put it in the real letterbox AND get a reply from Santa


  • That is a great idea to get the letter’s to Santa on time

    • If they want to write heaps of letters they can


  • Love this idea, thanks for sharing!


  • Yes! Christmas fanatic here. And it’s happening I’m tying to control myself to not start making it now. This will go well with our fake Christmas fireplace 😀


  • I love this Idea. Will be doing this.


  • Good way of finding out what is on their wish list. Could be used to send a thank you note after Christmas also.


  • What fun. This looks like a great project to make together and use.


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