

A fairly quick and simple piñata that looks cute.


  • 1 newspaper
  • 1 pair scissors
  • 1 paint brush
  • 1 large round balloon
  • 1 bottle PVA glue
  • cold water
  • 2 small bowls
  • 1 sheet thick grey card
  • 1 cardboard box (I used a large weetbix box)
  • white paint
  • black marker
  • 1 roll sticky tape
  • hole punch
  • curling ribbon
  • 1 sheet thick black card
  • black paint
  • small toys and lollies
  • 1 packet blue crape paper


  1. Tear up newspaper into little pieces, blow up balloon and sit it in one of the bowls. Mix 1pt glue with 3pts water in the 2nd bowl.
  2. BODY - Working in small sections, paint the glue mix on the balloon, stick pieces of newspaper on and paint on more glue. I found it best to cover half the balloon, let it dry, turn it over, then cover the 2nd half. Don't forget to leave a 2cm hole at one end, this will be the top.
  3. Repeat step 2, 2-3 times letting it dry in between each layer. Leave to dry for 24hrs.
  4. RAISED FACE - From the cardboard box cut a circle (I traced around a small plate) and a long strip about 2cm wide and long enough to wrap around the circle. Make a ring with the strip of card and secure it with tape, then attach the circle of cardboard on top (like a lid), the edges of the ring and the circle should match perfectly.
  5. Use a little tape to attach the raised face to the front/centre of the body, then secure it with the glue mix and newspaper. Also cover the face with a layer of glue mix and newspaper.
  6. Once dry pop the balloon and throw it away. Paint a black ring around the edge on the flat side of the raised face then paint down the sides.
  7. Cut slits in a cross shape using the 2cm hole as the centre. Gently fold back the four flaps, on the inside reinforce the flaps with tape, then punch a hole 2-3cm from the tip of each flap. Fill piñata with toys and lollies and tie shut with ribbon, leaving the ends long enough to hang it up.
  8. Remove crape paper from packet but do not unfold, cut 5cm strips across the folded crape paper. Using scissors cut slits along the strips to make a fringe (I only cut 1/2 way through the strip, the whole way along)
  9. Starting at the bottom, attach one end of the fringed crape paper with a little tape. Then working in circles/spiral use little bits of tape to stick the uncut side of the fringe to the body. Work your way up to the face, then you will need to attach the fringe in strips wrapping around, instead of the spiral. Once past the face continue attaching the fringe in a spiral until you get to the top. Wrap a strip of fringe around the base of the face to hide where the rest of the fringing was attached.
  10. THOMAS' FACE AND FUNNEL - Cut a circle from the grey card a little smaller than the raised face and a funnel from the black card. Draw Thomas' face on the circle of grey card with pencil, paint the whites of his eyes with the white paint and set aside to dry. When dry go over the pencil with the black marker and draw in the pupils.
  11. Tape the bottom of the funnel to the flat side of the raised face, then using a little PVA attach Thomas' face to the raised face (covering the bottom of the funnel) making sure that it is centred.


The way I made it was pretty quick and you don't have to be really neat when applying the newspaper and glue. Even though it won't feel hard it will be strong, if there are older kids (7yrs +) add and extra layer or 2 of glue mix and paper and they'll have a hard time breaking it!

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This project was posted by:

  • BoyMum3
    • 27 Sep 2015
      12:48 am

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  • That’s amazing and very clever. My boys love Thomas. Definitely save this idea. Thank you for the inspiration.


  • That’s amazing and very clever. My boys love Thomas. Definitely save this idea. Thank you.


  • You’ve totally inspired me now!
    My daughter is having a frozen themed party and I think we will attempt to make an Olaf pinata as he is an easy shape and character to tackle.


  • Very cute. Ive never used one of these at a party.


  • This looks fantastic. I’m not a fan of Pinata. I’m all about the risk factor and watching kids swing around a stick whilst trying to keep everyone else away just does my head in.


  • This looks amazing! It looks like you actually could have bought this from the shops.
    And I love how it can easily be used for another character and not just Thomas, but we love Thomas as well.


  • I made one before and it was a winner


  • It looks fabulous and so much fun!


  • I think you’re very clever to make that


  • Wow iam speechless it’s magnificent


  • Looks like a fun Pinata-children would definitely love this Thomas.


  • So creative! I love this idea and can doit for any fave character


  • This is amazing. My toddler will absolutely love this.


  • Wow, I never thought about making your own pinata!


  • My toddler loves Thomas this piñata looks amazing what a great idea for kids parties thanks for sharing


  • My grandson is a massive Thomas fan and loves belting a piñata. I’m going to make one fir him for Xmas


  • Kids really would love this, thanks.


  • Your Thomas pinata looks incredible. Great job.


  • My little one would love this!


  • I’ve made a few pinatas in the past and really enjoy being creative with them, they’re always better then the shop bought ones. Thomas looks great


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