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Rumours are circulating that the Coles Little Shop collectables will be returning in the coming weeks!

According to an article, two people have independently tipped off New Idea Food with claims to have inside information on the return of the Coles promotion.

One even said that the Little Shop minis will be back in store ‘at the end of July’, with a huge range of new collectables available.

The last Little Shop promo was a huge success along with the Stikeez collection and the recent plastic container promo. 

little-shop-minis coles little shop

Are you keen for another round of collectables? 

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  • I gave mine to a friends children in the US. They used them to play shops


  • I don’t understand why everyone gets SO excited about these? If I get one with my groceries that’s a bonus, but they only turn into toys for my children….am I missing something?


  • I won’t be spending more on groceries just to get them. That to me is not economy


  • I loved the first one as my kids love to play with them with their barbies and we play shopping with them to teach my oldest to add different totals together. We never got into the christmas one.


  • I like the little shop they are the only collectables I worry about.


  • We never collected these and don’t think we will start now.


  • Hmmm… I certainly won’t go out of my way for it they end up all over the house!


  • Bugger. More crap to add to the pile of crap we own.


  • I’m super excited at the prospect of them coming back! Yes I get they’re plastic and what not, but I still love them! I’m not an avid collector. In the first promotion I really only sought out the dog food, everything else was what it was! I don’t collect them in the traditional sense. I give them to my daughter to enhance her barbie play and to my son to enhance his recycling truck play.


  • There just not worth it too much hype over these though if you spend a lot then theres a little fun in that


  • Gosh these little collectables are so cute and popular. Kids and adults love them.


  • The stickeeze were great, not so much te little shop ones.


  • I think this has been over done.
    It’s also a bit of a rip off


  • Wow, I feel they need longer breaks between these. I’m worn out!


  • my sons are still loving the stickeez although in this house they call them squishies


  • I’m glad to say that I don’t collect them. It’s just more plastic that we are meant to be cutting back on.


  • No way I am sick of plastic tat


  • I’m excited for my kids as they love them and role playing with them! Just hope they keep up with the demand this time and don’t run out like the next day!!


  • Why Coles is always up to making more plastics ever since the ban of single used plastic bags.


  • First time was fun, it’s getting a bit much now.


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