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A Back to School Must Have!

When you help your child with their home readers or listen to them read, do you find that they, or you, become anxious and frustrated? Rather than being a pleasant experience, is it a tense time and you just wish it was all over? If you’ve answered ‘yes’, you’re not alone and if you’ve answered ‘no’, then we want what you’ve got!

For many parents and others who assist children as they learn to read, it’s a difficult time, especially if your child struggles with reading. Unless you have learnt how to teach children to read, it’s unlikely you’ll know how to do it. You may have a vague memory of how you learnt or what your parents and teachers said to you. Despite your best efforts, though, some of what you do as you support your child has the potential to turn them off reading.

When it comes to reading, Australian children are being left behind. International and national testing shows that Australia has the second largest proportion of children below the international intermediate benchmark among English speaking countries. Results from PISA show that reading standards have fallen dramatically this century. While NAPLAN results reveal some improvement in the percentage of children at National Minimum Standard (NMS) since NAPLAN was first introduced in 2008, children only have to get approximately 25% of the reading questions correct to be considered at NMS. Your child’s NAPLAN results may give you the impression that everything is fine when it may not be.

It’s important you say and do what will foster reading development, rather than discourage it. So, what are the best ways to encourage and support your child? Helping children become better readers … a guide for parents, caregivers, teachers and aides gives practical, and easily implemented approaches to support the developing reader. It identifies the reading behaviours of successful and less successful readers so you can see if your child is likely to make progress or not. The majority of the book is organised in the following way:

If your child … This identifies the reading behaviour

Then: This provides a possible reason or reasons for the behaviour.

So, you can: These are suggested ways to respond to the behaviour. Choose from several suggestions.

This is because: These are the reasons for the suggested ways to respond.

In a nutshell: This is a summary of the main points.

If you follow the ideas in the book, home reading will be enjoyable for you and your child your child will gain confidence, develop a love of reading and be more likely to seek a book for entertainment than a screen. Nobody persists with something they find too difficult, so it’s critical parents set their children up for success. We know that a small gap between your child’s reading level and that of others quickly becomes a large one that is almost impossible to close. Without strong reading skills, schooling is difficult for your child.

This book is available in all good bookstores and online at www.boolarongpress.com.au

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Winners for this competition

  1. R. WoodNSW
  2. I. HarveyNSW
  3. J. ByrneQLD
  4. P. ChandraNSW
  5. N. CartwrightVIC
  6. C. ScarfoSA
  7. H. KilpatrickNSW
  8. J. SpagnoloNSW
  9. A. O'DwyerNSW
  10. R. MashfordNT
  • I help by reading to her and make books fun so I take her on a journey of excitement and tap into her imagination. We point to the words and get her to ask questions. Hopefully I can help her to become a life long reader.

  • While my son is too young to ‘read’ as such, I read aloud books and stories to him every day. Not only does this ongoing reading time build a special bond between the two of us, it instills in him a love for books and literature at a young age.

  • Flashcards help of the most used words when starting to read, then adding a couple of new words every day.

  • We have read stories and had books since they were babies. I encourage them to read to each other and take turns being the family “library person”

  • Covid has made my youngest daughters start to school hard. She is in the bottom 25% in reading we require all the help we can get

  • Spend time with them reading and pointing to words and pictures so they can associate each one together

  • By reading as much as we can, exploring different words.

  • Reading is so important for children’s minds and brain development. I would love to win to know how I can help my children better

  • Reading bedtime stories together and letting them pick a book to make it fun!

  • I love reading bedtime stories to my grandson, now he has started school we are reading every day and night together

  • After easily teaching my two sons to read by picking books with topics they enjoyed IE tractors animals etc it hasnt been so easy with my daughter who has speech and language issues and hearing loss. this prize would be amazing to help me with her as its been difficult

  • This would be a epic read for my husband and I. His kids are very behind on not only reading but schooling aswell. We both fear they will have difficulty transitioning from high school life into the real world without having the basic knowledge of reading and writing. I feel like this book will help us to help them before it’s to late.

  • My 11yo son always puts off reading, finding any way to avoid it! I usually have to resort to bribery to encourage him to read, even just a few pages!

  • If l was to win I’d gift this to my daughter as shes3a primary school teacher and also tutors privately and this will help her with her students

  • i have always made it fun. you start with something they are interested in the then read it together. after each page we always talk about what has happened

  • We head to the library every week or two,
    It’s a regular thing to do.
    We enjoy bedtime stories all together,
    And even read outside in good weather.

  • By being patient and spending time with them

  • by supporting them an reading a stack of books around what they like

  • Let them choose a book they love. Find a comfy place. Read until they want you to stop. Make all the fun sounds and voices. Let them play a role if they can. Share a page if they are ready to read. Show them that reading is awesome by modelling.

  • My 5 year old son loves to read words he recognizes around the places we visit such as stop, go, open, warning etc. he is so full of confidence when he gets it right, I would love to help him and encourage more to read with this fantastic book as my guide.

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