
220 Entries

We are pleased to give 20 lucky MoMs the chance to WIN a copy of the book Based on a True Story.

WIN 1 of 20 copies of the book Based on a True Story by Elizabeth Renzetti, valued at $24.99 from Allen & Unwin.

Read the hilarious and addictive novel Based on a True Story by Elizabeth Renzetti. Absolutely Fabulous meets The Devil Wears Prada in this delicious novel about a washed-out soap opera diva, her lifetime of secrets, and the innocent young journalist who gets caught in her wake.

I threw in a coin and I closed my eyes and I thought, I hope I’ve got enough Valium to see me through the week. One of the other mums chucked her coin in, and turned to me. She said, ‘Do you think there will ever come a day when we’ll make a wish that’s about ourselves, and not about our kids?’

A celebrity who’s more notorious for her excesses than her famous roles. Her former lover, who’s threatening to reveal the truth behind her best selling autobiography. Her long lost son, who’s escaped from the train wreck of his mother’s life and doesn’t want to be found.

Augusta Price (not her real name) is famous for playing a slatternly barmaid on a popular soap opera and for falling down drunk in public. Now, just out of rehab, with no job, no relationship, and a sad shortage of tranquilizers, she is surprised to find that her ‘tell all’ memoir has become an improbable hit. But how to stop the real truth from being revealed – and how to make up for a long history of neglecting those she really loves?

A funny, poignant and intoxicating novel about fame, love, deception and consequences – about the lies we tell others and the lies we tell ourselves.

‘A hell of a lot of fun…made me laugh so hard I cried.’ Globe and Mail

To find out more about this great read click here.

Please note this competition is open from 13th November 2014 until 12th December 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. W. PamelaQLD
  2. L. SimeoneVIC
  3. J. BeckettVIC
  4. K. JamesNSW
  5. J. GandyTAS
  6. C. ElderQLD
  7. S. KapuaNSW
  9. O. RobertsonVIC
  10. S. PlesterVIC
  11. M. CarolynNSW
  12. E. ChandlerVIC
  13. D. ForsterVIC
  14. P. RimVIC
  15. J. BaileyQLD
  16. D. OzdilVIC
  17. C. MacKenzieQLD
  18. J. BlizzardTAS
  19. M. SpoonerVIC
  20. S. MillarQLD
  • I could never tell you that!

  • Gone skinny dipping at the beach with my boyfriend at the time.
    It was years ago.

  • Probably getting pregnant at 17? – worked out ok, hubby & I still together 35 years later, but my parents were shocked! to say the least =)

  • Lost strip poker and did a nudie run down to the beach, then jumped in the water at night, police car shone it’s headlights on me!

  • Joining in at bootcamp when i hate showing off myself and my fat everywhere lol

  • In my younger days dated 2 guys at once who lived in completely different suburbs – the thrill of getting caught was spine tingling.

  • Danced on top of my work counter (retail store) to try and get more customers to come in..
    It worked!

  • Got my hand stuck inside a toy vending machine when I was 5, the fire brigade was called and my face was so red!

  • Giving birth at home on my own unexpectantly was very outrageous!

  • Getting married lol

  • Had sex on the beach one night with my boyfriend, now hubby, and got bitten all over by mozzies. Very difficult trying to hide and lie as to why I was itching in places I shouldn’t have for the next few days!

  • The time my friend and I went out before she moved towns. We enjoyed many Tequila Slammers and felt fine until we walked outside into the cool air. Last thing I remember is dancing on a table in the pizza shop. Didn’t go back there for a year or two.

  • I planned a 200 guest wedding in a month!

  • I am no Augusta – the most devilish thing I have ever done was shave my legs when my mother told me I couldn’t. I am such a rebel!

  • Visited a nudist colony with my girlfriend – totally rad experience and everyone was really nice – changed my point of view about them.

  • Dated my best friend’s ex boyfriend without telling her.

  • When rather intoxicated many many years ago I went skinny dipping at a work party. Still cringe to this day nearly 40 years later………….

  • Entered a best boobs competition at a night club and won.

  • Just recently I went skinny dipping with my daughter and grand daughter in a quiet bay! My daughter still won’t talk to me!

  • sex in the sea in spain…to be caught by the metal detector guys at midnight lol

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