
269 Entries

From the fantastically eccentric director Tim Burton, comes Frankenweenie, a tale about an outsider boy named Victor, whose world falls apart at the unexpected death of his canine companion Sparky. With the sudden loss, Victor turns to science to revive his pet, albeit not exactly to his original condition. However when Victor’s fellow students, teachers and entire town learn of Sparky’s amazing revival, the never-ending monstrous experiments start to run wild.

Available on Blu-ray 3D, 2D and DVD from 27th February 2013!

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We have 5 Frankenweenie prize packs up for grabs, each containing:

  • The DVD
  • A messenger bag
  • A watch
  • A journal
  • A baseball cap

For your chance to win, use the comment form below and tell us about your unbreakable bond!

Please note this competition is open from 18th February 2013 until 10th March 2013 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Mouths of Mums will not cover any travel costs associated with claiming this prize. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile.  Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. MoncrieffQLD
  2. L. SolomonQLD
  3. R. KapsalakisVIC
  4. J. CairnsNSW
  5. T. AttwellWA
  • Mine is with my Sisters, no matter how much we bicker, fight or disagree, we’re still there for each other when comfort /help is needed.

  • Our whole family share a great bond. My husband, my 2 boys and I absolutely love spending time together, on outings, playing & watching movies on a rainy day (or lazy sunny day).

  • My two sons. Widowed four years ago and left two businesses to run on my own I could not have managed without them stepping up to help. They have learned to make all their meals, wash clothes, mow the lawn and feed the animals. They also learned to work in our business and now I can actually leave them to run it for a few hours by themselves. Despite all of that they do well at school too.

  • My youngest son and our cat Pusskin are rarely apart. He drags that cat around everywhere. She’s a big cat and his little arms barely can hold her but she doesn’t seem to mind. I think she loves him just the same.

  • My daughters and I share a close bond with the women in my family who are no longer with us.
    I lost my mother at a very young age, and my mother had lost her own mother when aged in her early teens.
    My daughters were aged 12 months and 3 years when I was diagnosed with cancer. My fight to prevent the past from repeating itself and to avoid my daughters growing up without a mum, spurred me to a quicker recovery than the doctors expected.
    We are approaching the 20th anniversary of my illness now and I am very blessed to have watched them grow up and become wonderful young women.

  • My girls and I have an unbreakable bond, we’ve been through bad times, still are, but what keeps us strong is us, together.

  • My children I love more than life itself, my husband is my long suffering best friend, but my unbreakable bond is what holds the whole family together. It’s me and my coffee machine. True love!

  • Would love to see this movie !! 😀

  • No matter how cranky or frustrated I might get at the kids, one smile or cheeky grin and I have to let it go! That’s love!

  • my daughter really loved this movie

  • My grandson and his dog. He’s only two but already they are thick as thieves.

  • A family bond brings warmth and happiness. I love Fridays where my husband, 2 kids and I lie on the couch in our pj’s and watch a family movie xx

  • My sister and I were super close before, but after being my support person while I battled breast cancer the bond is now unbreakable. P.S I won the battle.

  • My best mate lives in NZ and it doesn’t matter if we don’t catch up for a couple of years, we are still best mates when I visit.

  • My mother is my unbreakable bond becaus she has always been by my side regardless of the mistakes i have made and she taught me how to be a mother to my children.

  • bond between mother and chiild, i dont need to tell anyone how special that is, unless they dont have children of their own

  • I have been with my husband for 10 years this year, we have been through many tough heart breaking times with family. We have always stuck together and been each others shoulder to cry on. We are only getting stronger the longer we are together and could take on the world as long as we have each other

  • Having spent last Christmas visiting my husband in hospital and praying he would recover from lung cancer surgery after being admitted to intensive care three times I would have to say this is my strongest bond.
    I believe all things happen for a reason and my husband having cancer, age at only 49 and surviving, sent us both on a spiritual journey we would have never gone on if it wasn’t for the cancer. However not all people are this lucky! While in hospital I witnessed and experienced the pain and trauma families and friends are put through with this disease and it shook me up quite a bit.
    This experience certainly brought us closer together and I also learnt that there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him, and nothing, not even cancer, that could break the strong bond we have!!

  • I have a strong bond with my daughter, she is a very smart and caring girl, she is my sunshine!

  • My bond would be with my son he is the most amazing child and he is very strong and loving boy and he makes his mummy proud every day 🙂

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