
1062 Entries

5 lucky winners will receive a learning toys pack valued at $99 which includes 1x Roll & Go Rocking Horse, 1x Mobile Med Kit, and 1x Fridge Phonics.

Big Learning Fun for Little Ones with LeapFrog

Little ones can enjoy big learning fun with these fantastic new additions to LeapFrog’s range of educational toys. Teaching a mix of letters, music and colours, these toys will encourage learning from six months old.

Roll & Go Rocking Horse delights little ones with fun responses as they horse around. Press the light-up saddle to hear playful sound effects and friendly phrases, pat the horse to see it rock, play fun songs, sounds and rhymes, or push the horse to start a game of chase.

The Mobile Med Kit will tickle the funny bones of little ones while encouraging learning, combining this popular type of Doctors and Nurses role-play.

Learning is now back on the fridge with the popular Fridge Phonics. Place the magnetic lower case letter tiles into the bus to learn the alphabet.

For more info on LeapFrog products, visit www.leapfrog.com.au or check out the LeapFrog news on Facebook or Twitter.

Please note this competition is open from 13th September 2014 until 14th October 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. R. MurchieQLD
  2. J. Holyoak-sparrowVIC
  3. F. WhitelawVIC
  4. L. QuelchQLD
  5. L. CoxSA
  • mum testing me to spell words, I remember always getting hospital wrong and not even able to pronounce it right

  • I remember my early childhood learning with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears story blocks, I still have them put away.

  • Picture cards and picture books were my favourite, they were colourful and helpful

  • my earliest childhood memory of learning is sitting with my nanna(whom has now passed) reading to me in her garden in the warm sun.

  • I remember my Mum singing songs to me and telling me how to count with ‘sing-song’ lullabies… It made it easy to learn and so much fun.

  • Mum singing counting songs with me while I was having a bath.

  • When I was about 4, I remember sitting on the veranda with Dad. He told me that if I couldn’t write my name, Santa wouldn’t come. As a teacher, I wouldn’t recommend this method, but it certainly worked! (And Santa came).

  • Watching Romper Room with Mr Doobie is a vivid memory .

  • I used to love to watch mum press out cookies and she used different sized round rings.
    I can still hear her say ” big ring,baby ring,medium ring.” I learned all about circles and sizes.

  • Watching Sesame Street and reading the collection of Sesame Street books my mum got for me. I loved learning the alphabet and would find all the hidden alphabet in the books and try to trick my mum and ask her if she could find the letters faster then me.

  • I used to love to watch mum press out cookies and she used different sized round rings.
    I can still hear her say ” big ring,baby ring,medium ring.” I learned all about circles and sizes.

  • Mum and Dad opening the dictionary with my sister and I trying to guess how it was spelled by writing it on the whiteboard

  • my mum taught me my alphabet then taught me to say it backwards. ive never needed it really but the laughs we had is something that i will treasure forever

  • Watching Play School so I was learning without noticing.

  • My dad read to me every night. He did funny voices which was always entertaining and as a result I still love reading. I now get to read the same stories to my son and relive those days again and see him fall in love with reading too.

  • Playing with wooden shape puzzles

  • Writing on slates at schook

  • Early childhood memories of an early love of reading, bed-time stories read,
    Instead of sweets, I bought books instead!
    On family road trips, we played – “The Parson’s cat is…Angry,” or something else beginning with the alphabet letter silently chosen, in turns,
    – spelling improved, new words were learned!

  • In Grade 1 I learnt to add with coloured Rods – I still have them after 47 years.

  • Childhood living at beach… Earliest memory is of my father letting me go, by “littlies” standards, in “deep’ water and realising I could actually stay afloat – dog paddling! dad was right there beside me!

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