
120 Entries

6 lucky MoM members will win downloads of The Family Memory Kit valued at $147.

The Family Memory Kit is an ideal resource for families seeking to preserve family memories. The kit can be used by families with aging relatives to gather, record and preserve their family stories in the simplest way possible.

The Family Memory Kit is an extension of the very popular The Family Memory Project book.

The Family Memory Kit is a step-by-step video program with a super-easy workbook, that will allow you to:

  • Connect with your relative
  • Overcome their objections (if they have any)
  • Record their memories a few at a time
  • Put those memories together
  • Get them to the family in a simple, yet interesting way.

You will record family stories FAST, EASILY and in the most efficient way possible. You will see how simple it is, and how you can achieve results immediately.

For more information about The Family Memory Kit click here.

Please note this competition is open from 1st May 2015 until 1st June 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. A. HeilerQLD
  2. M. ChaferNSW
  3. T. BartelsWA
  4. J. WhiteQLD
  5. S. Allen-StephensSA
  6. K. WallaceVIC
  • Happened yesterday!!
    My boys, 6 and 8 tried on hubby’s old school, athletics and outdoor education clothes.
    They looked so funny with beanies and balaclava hubby used at the snow.
    Then… hubby tried the athletics tops, they were so tight and short, he looked like a crop top wearing girl!

  • When my brother was little we were playing in the backyard with a football. He had his nappy off as it was summer. When my sister asked him to throw her the ball he threw his dirty pooey nappy at her instead! Many screams and laughter was heard

  • As a small family we always seemed like we were missing something. So one Xmas morning we went up to the take away store and invited an extra 20 pp for lunch- it was the best Xmas ever

  • My funniest family story is when I was in premature labour with my second child I had promised my 4 year old son I would play cricket with him. So as i commenced my deep breathing exercises between contractions I would bowl an over. I finally told my son it was drinks brake and I was able to ring an ambulance.My son said it was thebest game off cricket he had had.

  • one day I woke up and barely could see I was so tired. I had to get ready quickly, I went upstairs to brush my teeth, well the toothpaste started to BURN, turns out I started to brush my teeth with deep heat. I have never let it down.

  • We were at a picnic with the extended family and I (about 12 years old at the time) went to sit in a plastic chair and fell straight through, my drink upended and went all over mum and my brother (8 yo) kept yelling jokes about the broken chair!

  • One of my great grandfathers got into big trouble as he stole a neighbours sheep because this neighbour set fire to his property. The neighbour was let off, but my Great great grandfather coped a huge fine.

  • Can’t choose just one as there are many.

  • When our 4wd got stuck in a flood of water in the northern territory and we needed help to get out

  • My family is quite large and at one gathering most of the uncles had too much to drink and were trying to outdo each other on the dance floor. One decided to get up onto a table and show off his moves. Well the table tipped, he flipped, food slipped. He was in a mess of cake and drinks, luckily nothing more than his pride hurt but we laughed about it for a long time.

  • driving with my Pop to red beach in his VeeDub, he took the front seat out (golf club storage) that’s where I was sitting with my dog. mum and nana in the back, we hit a kangaroo and my mum and nana went crook at pop, I was crying, the dog was barking. it was Pops fault but he still got the blame for it. We still laugh about that now.

  • no story really we just are funny!

  • We went to lakes entrance in Victoria for a holiday and mum and dad took us to the Buchan Caves! My brother had a slip of the tongue and now the caves will always be known by a different name!

  • As kids mum broke of two squares of chocolate each. My middle sister offered to give the youngest hers. She however wanted to eat it so told her to open her mouth and close her eyes for a surprise. She then fed her a dead cockroach and ate her chocolate.

  • I remember Nan telling us always what we were to do when we grow up,have plenty of fun and travel but years later we found out she was a Mum at 15 so she made sure we did the right thing.

  • When my uncle was in a nursing home, the facilities dog went missing. It caused much distress and the local news station got hold of the story. On live television my uncle was asked about the missing dog. He answered “what dog?!?”. The reporter was lost for words!

  • For my 18th birthday party i got a cricket bat as a gift that everyone signed, my dad wrote on it “make better use than Ponting”.

  • driving with my Pop to red beach in his VeeDub, he took the front seat out (golf club storage) that’s where I was sitting with my dog. mum and nana in the back, we hit a kangaroo and my mum and nana went crook at pop, I was crying, the dog was barking. it was Pops fault but he still got the blame for it. We still laugh about that now.

  • When going down a hill flipped my bike over my head and got back up and keeper rideing

  • As a child we took a family road trip to Bright in the Central Highlands of Victoria, it was a beautiful trip we took just before the snow season. The trees were changing and as kids we loved to explore. But my mum forgot one thing, she booked a caravan for 5, but had taken 6 with her and dad, so No room for me, I slept in the car at below zero temps.

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