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Breanna Sykes was told her baby would be big – but they had no idea just how big until her 5.9kg infant arrived.

“It was a very big surprise,” Breanna told PerthNow from her hospital bed at Joondalup Health Campus. “The doctor would not induce me (at first) but then measured me on the table and said he thought my baby would be about eight or nine pounds.”

baby z

Picture: Stewart Allen via Pert Now.

“My waters broke, and I was fully dilated, but the pain was too much.”

“I was having an anxiety attack so they had to put me under anaesthetic.”

“When I woke up they told me I had a 13.2 pound (5.9kg) baby.”

Ziad Kadic was born via caesarean section just after 7.15pm on Saturday weighing in at 5.9kg (13lb) and measuring 57cm.

He could well be the biggest baby born in WA, possibly Australia.

bigget baby

The infants were born two minutes apart. Picture: Stewart Allen via Pert Now.

“I have had 15 doctors come visit me when they found out how big he was,” Breanna explained. “Most have said he was the biggest newborn they have ever seen.

“One of the doctors said to me he’s the biggest baby he has seen in his 15 years as a doctor.

“(My partner) is very excited, he is out celebrating. And my family are just shell shocked. They just can’t believe how big he is.”

“The doctors said it could be genetics,” she said. “They have done all these tests and all the blood work, he’s perfectly healthy.

baby ziad

Picture: Stewart Allen via Pert Now.

“He’s just so chunky, beautiful, very chubby, cuddly and sleepy.”


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Picture: Stewart Allen via Pert Now.

  • Wow!! Big Baby all right!! Too cute ???? i believe it comes down to genetics also. Love big healthy bubbys as they are easier to change and hold/cuddle. Congratulations to the new Parents and their beautiful baby


  • Oh he’s just lovely! But yeah he’s a big boy! Thank god for ceasers!!!


  • Wow I’ve had two friends with 5kg babies! They were huge! Ouch


  • Oh my goodness! Quite a big baby. Very cute and healthy looking. Congrats.


  • Congrats with your wee man ! He’s beautiful 🙂


  • What a gorgeous not-so-little man!


  • Wow. My youngest was 4.5kg and that seemed huge.


  • what a big bubba…congrats to mum on the arrival of her beautiful little man!


  • What a cute bub! No way you’d want to push that out; ouch!


  • A friend of mine had a baby boy who was 10 lb, 1 oz and was told he was a big baby, that the average was about 7 lb.


  • http://www.macleayargus.com.au/story/1258076/bouncing-baby-reaches-golden-milestone/ according to this the biggest baby was over 7kg

    • More than 7 kilos!! Incredible!! And he was even born one week earlier!


  • Congratulations on your big bundle of joy!


  • My bubba was also 5.9kgs.
    He was the biggest baby born at the Maryter hospital in Sydney.
    Enjoy your little fella!

    • Really??? Incredible. I thought this was quite unusual, but maybe it’s not.


  • He us just so gorgeous. I love chubby babies. My biggest baby was 3.9kg and being 52kg myself it was hard so I couldn’t imagine a baby 5.9.well done to mum!!


  • Whoa … how wonderful. Thank goodness mother and baby are well.


  • Oh wow! What a beautiful bundle of joy! I was only 5 pounds!
    It would be interesting to see a photo of her pregnant!


  • That’s a big baby indeed. But so cute!
    I knew a woman that had a 5 kilos girl. 5.9 is really incredible!


  • How cute! I had big babies, but not that big. My first was 8.14 and second 9.10 1/2 pounds and ounces


  • Congrats on your beautiful big bubba


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