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When will people learn to mind their own business?! A waitress has been reprimanded after she swapped a pregnant woman’s cocktail order to a virgin cocktail.

Turning to online forum, Reddit, the waitress asked whether she was an asshole for serving a pregnant woman a non-alcoholic cocktail?

The woman explains she has been waiting tables a group one night when they ordered a round of cocktails.

As she passed the table again she overheard them talking about how one of the women was pregnant.

“About five minutes later, they called me over again and asked for another round,” she continued. “At this point I started getting concerned, but I took the order and cheerfully said I’d be right back. This time, I went to the bartender, and asked him to make one of them a virgin cocktail.”


“Mrs. Pregnant” joined in the nights fun unaware her drinks were non-alcoholic. And even though the bartender had marked the cocktails as ‘virgin’ on the table’s receipt, she didn’t notice at first and they left the restaurant without incident.

“Several minutes later Mrs. Pregnant woman came back and asked what (virgin) on the receipt meant. I fessed up that it meant non-alcoholic,” the post continued.

“She blank stared me for a few seconds and then asked if she had ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail. I said no, but told her that I assumed she wanted one seeing as she was pregnant. It was a lame lie and I’ll admit it, but she looked me in the eye and asked me to return her part of the tip. I did so. Then she talked to my manager.”

The waitress revealed she’s been stood down indefinitely, with everyone at the restaurant believing she did the wrong thing.

“I stood my ground and told her that I’m not going to be responsible for FAS [Fetal Alcohol Syndrome]. She told me that she was taking me off the calendar until she decided what to do with me,” she added.

“When I talked to my mother and father about it tonight, they told me that they understood my position. The entire staff at the restaurant is against me and I think that I’m going to call in and tell my manager that I quit, but I still feel in the right here.

“I would like some perspective on this,” she concluded the post.

Her post sparked a huge debate with thousands of people commenting in less than 24 hours.

“Unless you saw the woman pee on a pregnancy test, you had no way of knowing for sure that she was pregnant. She could have been talking about someone else,” one person wrote.

“I’ve spent most of my working years in food service, and half of that time has been in management. If I was your manager, I would’ve fired you on the spot. While I agree that pregnant women shouldn’t be drinking, you NEVER change a customer’s order without their consent,” was another response.

“You don’t get to decide what another person of legal age decides to consume. Mind your own business,” a third commented.

AITA for serving a pregnant woman a non-alcoholic cocktail? from r/AmItheAsshole

Do you think she did the wrong thing? Join our discussion below.

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  • Although she was being responsible in her mind – there is no way you can say she was right in what she did. The orders have to be carried out as ordered.


  • I can relate and understand her thinking …certainly her heart was in the right place but physically this was wrong and not the thing one should do.


  • Bit of a hard one but you cant just assume someone is pregnant and change their order.


  • She should have spoken up and said something to the lady not just assumed. I had someone overhear part of a conversation and assume I was pregnant when I wasn’t.


  • I wouldn’t have done that because as much as it would have angered me, you cant stop someone doing what they want to their own body


  • I get both sides of the story, if I was your manager I certainly wouldn’t have fired you for two reasons. One you fessed up and you charged her the right price for what u gave her. I might have said don’t do it again though. I would find another job because you will most likely find that atmosphere uncomfortable going back and life is too short. Find something you love and believe you can enjoy.


  • I don’t think this is right at all. I can’t stand seeing a pregnant woman drink or smoke. However, the waitress took this woman’s autonomy away from her, which happens to women all the time. Also, this waitress does not know the circumstances around this woman becoming pregnant. Did she become pregnant from sex that was consensual? Does she want to bring the baby to full term and give birth? There is no way for this waitress to know these answers and therefore she has no right to change the order.


  • I have a good sized belly and it is shaped like I am pregnant, I am not, I would be furious if she did this to me without my knowledge, she should have given the customer what she ordered regardless of her position.


  • This absolutely infuriates me. I had a similar situation at a tapas restaurant in Sydney and the waitress wouldn’t let me order a dish with soft cheese. It’s my body, my baby and absolutely my choice what I eat, drink or do when pregnant. I think that she should have done her job and let this poor woman enjoy her dinner!


  • I hate the idea of pregnant women drinking but I wouldn’t have done what this waitress did. If she was so concerned she should have spoken to her manager. She could have told the manager she didn’t feel comfortable serving a pregnant woman alcohol and asked someone else to serve the table. Even though her heart was in the right place what she did was wrong.


  • I think it was okay for the waitress to do this afteraall here intentions was with heart not hatred, protecting the unborn baby even if it meant losing her job I think it is honorable.


  • umm she could only suggest; it wasn’t her decision to make for the lady.


  • I can’t stand seeing pregnant women drinking. But I also think it wasn’t in this waitress’ right to make such a decision!


  • Even though she might be morally right in doing so, she cannot change a customers order! It’s not her decision and if she had such a huge problem with serving them, she should have swapped with someone who didn’t. Yes the pregnant woman is irresponsible and in no way am I condoning that behaviour, but her body, her decision.


  • She could have asked if the customer would prefer to have a virgin cocktail instead. Unfortunately the waitress is in the wrong in this case.


  • Whether acting out of the best interest or not, she did the wrong thing. If she was really that concerned she could have asked the lady if she would prefer a non alcoholic cocktail, not just assume to give her one.


  • All jobs have aspects that may conflict with our beliefs but you need to get on with it. Customers choice


  • Customer service is to provide a professional service and not to judge and alter a customer request regardless of personal beliefs/values.


  • Yes, the waitress was in the wrong. When she struggled to serve this pregnant lady, she should have asked one of her co-workers to serve her.


  • I don’t thnk it was her place to do this even though she did it out of morals


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