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In a newly released video, featuring a deleted Frozen 2 scene, Anna finally finds the answers that reveal how her parents felt about her.

In the clip, we see Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, directors of Disney’s Frozen 2 talking about the questions that Anna always had about her parents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna.

“Anna was struggling so much in earlier versions with ‘Did my parents really trust me? Why was I shut out?'” Lee explains. “She still had questions she needed answers for.”

So Touching!

Watching the touching deleted Frozen 2 scene, I couldn’t help feeling a bit teary as Elsa was able to recreate a conversation between her parents using her power of manipulating water to reveal memories.

In the video, we see a rough animated storyboard depiction of Queen Iduna (voiced by Evan Rachel Wood) saying that she thinks it’s time to tell Anna the truth about Elsa.

“I can’t bear keeping her shut out anymore. She’s maturing now. She can be responsible.”

However, the King is afraid that this may have a negative influence on Elsa being able to manage her powers.

“It’s not Anna I’m worried about,” Agnarr (voiced by Alfred Molina) says. “What if we let them get close again and the feelings are too much for Elsa? Joy brings her powers out as strongly as fear.”

“But if anyone can find a way to help her, it’s Anna,” Iduna says. “Her love could hold up the world,”

“Lucky for the world,” Agnarr replies.

We’ll Tell Her

The royal couple then agree to tell Anna (Kristen Bell) the truth when they return, which we know sadly never happens.

In the scene, Anna watches her parents tearfully and then gives Elsa a hug.

“They believed in you, Anna,” Elsa says. “And so do I.”

Aw, so sweet! I wonder why they decided to leave the scene out of the final movie?

You can watch the deleted scene, titled “A Place of Our Own,” below.


What did you and the kids think of Frozen 2? Any guesses why they deleted this scene? Tell us in the comments below.

  • My daughter is absolutely obsessed with frozen!
    I’m not really into it like I was into Disney movies when I was a child but I guess when she’s actually old enough to know what it all means I can give her this to watch.


  • it was a ittle bit confusing but was a great movie


  • Shame they didn’t include that scene!


  • My only guess would be that maybe they are planning a Frozen 3 and this may form some of the storyline for it


  • Can’t imagine why they would leave this scene out …..


  • My daughter loved it. I tolerated it ????


  • I haven’t seen this yet. I need to borrow somebody’s child!!


  • I really wanna watch this


  • not seen yet (still traumatised after the 1st one!) – but my youngest said she wouldn’t mind watching it when it comes to netflix or something like that!


  • I haven’t seen Frozen 2 but I do think they should have kept that scene in. Why would they leave such a vital part of the story out? Maybe to keep everyone anticipating Frozen 3?


  • Nope, haven’t seen Frozen 2, I don’t have any plans to watch it either. I do wonder why they would deleted a scene that seems to be so significant to the movies storyline though. Maybe they’re planning Frozen 3 and needed to save that storyline for later


  • No idea why they left that out, it’s beautiful and an issue many kids may struggle with (although many may not get answers).


  • Haven’t seen it yet


  • Not seen the movie yet and to be honest never really given this any thought! It’s a nice movie (the first) but I didn’t see all the hype that surrounded it as the best Disney movie ever!


  • Having seen the movie I think it would have been an unneccessary scene.


  • I love that! It shouldn’t have been left out. Such a great film with more great songs too!


  • Haven’t seen it yet, but would love to. Kids have


  • Did have a chance to see it


  • Frozen 2 terrified my daughter, although she loved the first.


  • I haven’t watched “Frozen 2” yet. I wait till it becomes available digitally.


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