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It starts creeping in from the very start. Did I take Folic Acid before falling pregnant? What about the night I went out drinking before I found out that I was pregnant? There it is. The first appearance of mother’s guilt.

Unfortunately, it seems like guilt tries to rear its ugly head at almost all stages of parenting. How did you deliver your baby? Did you breastfeed or bottle feed? Did you make your own purees and baby foods or did you feed from a jar? Did you dilute your time across many children or have an only child? Did you return to work or stay at home? Does your child attend childcare or not? Did you start them in school aged four and half or five and a half?

You see this list goes on and on. And in each of these scenarios and many others, there is no right answer. There is no best way.

Parents from each camp in these situations have probably felt some guilt about their decisions.

There are many reasons why we experience guilt as parents; here are some of the reasons:

  1. When we love someone more than life itself we want them to have the best of everything. We hope that every decision we make for them will lead them on the best possible path. This is inbuilt and completely natural. This puts us under pressure and when we feel that we fall short in some way we feel guilty.
  2. We set ourselves certain expectations and then when reality is somewhat different we experience guilt.
  3. Other people have certain expectations, which lead us to experience guilt. There are so many judgements made about mums and these certainly contribute to feelings of guilt.
  4. All of the changes of becoming a mum, both physical and emotional can heighten feelings such as guilt. Just think how much of a drama things become when you are sleep deprived or if your hormones take over.

The biggest step to overcoming mother’s guilt is to make peace with your decisions and behaviours. If you can find some comfort in the fact that you are doing your best rather than being perfect then you will start to shed some of the guilt.

Taking some time to work through your decisions, within yourself and also with those important to you and those who can help you can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. Being clear about why you are choosing the option that you are is something you can come back to when you need some assurance that you are doing what is right for your family.

Remembering a discussion with your husband when you agreed that your family would be happiest with a decision to send your child to childcare can renew your commitment to the plan.

Flexibility builds resilience. Although you have an “ideal” outcome, sometimes things will not go to plan.

In situations like these having a flexible and open approach can protect you from many of the negative feelings such as failure and guilt.

We must also use our support networks. I am a huge believer that it takes a village to raise a child. Make sure you know who is in your team. We honestly do not have to do this all on our own. Thinking that good mums prefer to be with their kids all the time, or that great parents do everything themselves is simply going to put you under incredible pressure and line you up to experience failure. We need to build our team. Surround ourselves with people who will support us and allow us to stride forward with confidence.

Finally, we must make an effort to remember that our children are able to pick up on our insecurity and guilt. If we struggle to drop a child off at daycare we will transfer that reluctance them. They can sense our fears and negativity and it affects them.

In turn this can create a hard to break cycle where our child’s behaviour seems to reinforce our belief that we may not be doing the right thing.

Being a mum can be a tough gig. We don’t need to make it any harder by placing unrealistic expectations and harsh judgements on others and ourselves. Instead we can strive to do our best, support others and try to shrug off the small disappointments along the way.

What things do you feel most guilty about? Share in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • Just be the best possible Mum you can be each and every day. Some days will be easier and you will be better on those days but all you can do is your best.


  • Oh yes mother’s guilt. This year seems to be full of it. I have 8, 6, 2 year old and I feel guilt constantly. Could be anything but it gets you in the feels that’s for sure x


  • I feel guilty at the the very thought of having to go to work. My boy is 7 months almost and it kills me that I won’t be there for him. My guilt comes a lot from comparing the time I had with my first to my second. I felt like I had way more time then


  • I always have mom’s guilt. My 6 month old is still on night feeding every 2 to 3 hours. Sometimes I tend to ignore him as I am really sleepy and I feel guilty afterwards. I tell myself that I am not a perfect human and I feel lazy sometimes. I believe my little human will understand me. Moms out there, we are human and not superwomen. Don’t stress yourself over of being not 100% for your kids.


  • I think as mums we always feel guilty, we want to be the best mothers that we can be. I think a helpful thing is if all mums are kind to other mums because they know what they are going through. As women we have to be supportive of other women and we have to really not let ourselves judge others as well. We have to learn to ignore the unhelpful or judgmental comments that some women may have


  • I can’t imagine not feeling mother’s guilt now as it has been around me since having my children. Although I believe I have made peace with my decisions and behaviours, yet the overwhelming love and desire to provide the best life possible for my children often makes me doubt it. I think the best I can do is find a balance between acceptance that I have always done the best I could for the boys and overwhelming love.


  • There’s a lot of mummy guilt I experience, especially if it’s time I take out for myself like going to gym or lash appointment etc.. because I feel like I take away the time I could be spending with my boy but at the same time it recharges me for the time we do get to spend together


  • My first daughter was born prem at 31 weeks. There was a huge amount of guilt that accompanied her birth.


  • aah yes! I used to feel guilty leaving my little one under his play gym or with toys to roll around, touch and feel to do house work or cook etc i used to feel like I needed to be with him or I was neglecting him, even though he was more than happy to just roll around and mouth and touch things


  • Thanks for sharing. I really needed to read this.


  • I loved this. Mum guilt is real and anyone who says they have never experienced it is lying. All you can do is your best and accept there are going to be times when good enough will have to do. As long as they are loved and provided for the best you know how, you are doing ok


  • loved reading this… all mums need to read this stuff! thanks for sharing. i try not to be guilty 🙂


  • Love this article. This is me in (better articulated) words..


  • That inner self-talk can be self destructive if not careful! Talk nicely to yourself. Know how amazing it is really to have given life and you still feel you’re not good enough or getting it wrong?! Trust your instincts, validate yourself. Sift through advice and put on a “self” ready for the day! It might be good or bad but you’re going to own it and forget self-pity….. self-promote! Even if to yourself.


  • I feel guilty when I’m tired and get angry at the kids. I read a lot of books on how you raise toddlers which help but sometimes make me feel worse


  • Mum guilt never leaves you. There are so many things I wished I did differently as a mum, right from the minute I fell pregnant


  • I don’t know that this is possible. Mother’s guilt is just a part of life for most mums.


  • Mum guilt is so real and so hard not to feel. I think as mums we will always feel some mummy guilt at some time or another as the kids grown up because we are always wondering if we are doing the right thing or not


  • This is a really hard thing to deal
    With! The guilt… us mothers take
    On SO much! We don’t appreciate ourselves enough. Or lift others up for that matter. We need to always remember the gift we have been given. Mothers make the world go round! Xxxx


  • So much guilt every single day – I’m still reminding myself that I’m enough and she’s happy


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