

Are you even a parent if you haven’t experienced this very moment?

Fifi Box shared this hilarious image on social media captioned “You know you really love your baby when…”

It has attracted over 28K likes on Instagram and another couple of thousand on Facebook.

She received hundreds of comments including some celebs who wrote,

Lisa Wilkinson said, “When the worst is the best!!!”

Melissa Doyle wrote, “Gold! ## Literally”

Dannii Minogue said, “Oh poor you!!!”

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You know you really love your baby when…????

A post shared by Fifi Box (@fifi_box) on

Fifi has shared some very sweet photo’s of her girls that are just simply adorable.

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This is the look of a little girl who wanted a baby sister more than anything ????

A post shared by Fifi Box (@fifi_box) on

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This might be her way of telling us we kiss her too much ????

A post shared by Fifi Box (@fifi_box) on

Have you ever suffered a poo explosion like Fifi? Share your comments below

Read more – Mums Share Tips on How to Tackle Those Nasty Unexpected Poonami’s

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  • What a beautiful family.
    I so miss having a bub to cuddle.


  • Fifi is doing the only thing any mum can do – laugh about it. They grow up way too soon and those days of cuddling a naked child will have gone. Great photo, Fifi


  • I only had 2 kids but safe to say I still experienced many poo-namis in my time. Always make the best photos……someone covered in wee and or poo


  • So many poo explosions they really do show you how much you love them.


  • That is so funny yet raw and real. I love the photos of the new family. All the best to them.


  • Sharing the real, the raw and the honest, Fifi. I remember my son’s first outing at 10 days old … it was Easter, I’d put on a gorgeous ‘gifted’ outfit that he looked so adorable in. Then just as we were about to leave, he exploded out of his outfit and I had to fully wash, clean and change him. Stressful as it was the first outing … to see the extended family.


  • Not in that way as I was always careful to keep the bottom covered in something as I couldn’t deal with this


  • I have a feeling many parents have experienced this occurrence!
    The memory stays with you!


  • I can certainly relate to this and having explosions from the other end as well. Usually happened to me as I’m about to head off for a doctor’s appointment. Just stepped out and locked the door and had to unlock and go back in to change. Wouldn’t have changed it for the world though


  • I’m sure all parents can relate to this! Such lovely photos of her girls.


  • Lol yeah !
    Yesterday I carried my 5yr old on the arm from the car (she’s a runner). She has Down syndrome and suffers gut problems. I didn’t realise she leaked through her pull up…runny poo with slime blobs all over me. Yep from a 5 year old the amount are a bit larger ;)

    • Oh, poor you. Funny afterwards, but I guess not that much when it happens, right? :-)


  • The things people share these days, I just don’t get it, we don’t need to see this surely.


  • Yep, all too familiar…..church, car, plane….done the lot.


  • Oh so very gross – but hilarious!


  • Totally relatable!

    • Relatable for so many people and always memorable and thankfully easily cleaned!


  • I know a Mum who thought her baby daughter had finished pooing and changed her a couple of minutes later. She was about to go up the clean nappy when baby did more – a fountain across onto her light blue work uniform blouse


  • Haha definitely part of motherhood. I’m sure most mums can relate. Funny that they caught the moment on camera though. That’s one for the twenty first.


  • I think most parents would have..lol.


  • OMg yes I have. this is so true… hahah and so funny! I was in the middle of giving him a bath and took him in my arms to turn him around …and boom…hahaahahaa – I had to clean him and then bathe him and then have a shower myself. lol memories


  • I saw this on insta. Its hilarious! My mum seemed to cop all the poosplosions from my son. My nephew got me a beauty once though.


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