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Mum turns to the internet for advice on how to tackle her first poonami (Which we all know is inevitable!)

A poonami is a huge nappy explosion for those newbies that are yet to tackle one.

One new mum asked for some advice on how to be prepared, “I’ve heard about newborns and poonamis! Any advice on how to be prepared?”

Mums soon shared some useful advice

Janelle shared some great advice, saying: “Towel underneath for every nappy change. If you think they are done pooping wait another 5 minutes and then change them. Pull clothes/onesies right up under their arms. If clothes get dirty, remember a lot of onesies can be taken off towards the feet. Rinse straight away and then put in a soaking bucket.”

Paula warned, “For heavens sake – keep your nails short and clean cut. You do Not – Repeat – DO NOT want that crap stuck under your nails.
Invest in a good nail scrubber, a breather mask and bulk buy butt wipes.”

Reese advised, “There is no such thing as “It’s just a quick five minute trip, I won’t need to take the whole nappy bag!!!” They KNOW when you are underprepared!!”

Stacey’s useful tip was disposable change mats, “They were very handy for home and out and about. Always have several nappies and spare clothes on you also.”

Jodie said, “When holding up the legs to wipe, keep your face as far away as possible, and keep your mouth CLOSED! (This is most important with breastfed babies) While away from home, make sure to have a few changes of clothes for baby and one or 2 changes for you.”

May shared, “ALWAYS remove the babies socks before you change a nappy whether it’s a big or a small poo. They WILL put their own feet in their own shit….”

Jo reminded us, “Always take spare clothes for mum… a friend of mine was on a long haul flight and baby had a poonami…. alllllll over mum. Had to go into toilet and try and wash her pants… returns to seat with wet pants…. 5 mins later baby vomits all over her shirt…. it was a loooooong smelly flight.”

But Julie and Tashi also warned us, “You could be the most organised mother and still get caught out lol”

“You’ll never be prepared. Don’t fool yourself.”

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  • ……..and then they start on solids !


  • Oh the joys! Oh the memories! For such tiny humans, they can pack a nappy and beyond with poo. Lol


  • The dreaded poonami


  • Something all new parents have to deal with. One wipe at a time is my advice, it’s less overwhelming that way


  • The sink/basin is the way to go – put bub in there and then remove clothing and then change the water. In my day you just did it and it was a natural phenomenon. Blame social media that it has come to this.


  • Second the always take socks off, baby feet/ heels always seem to land in poo and in the dirty nappy. I used to actually carry a pack of baby socks around !


  • P-O-O-N-A-M-I-S
    Eeekk! It even sounds scary!


  • Hahahaha
    The memories, my daughter poonamied me whilst I was breastfeeding her….. I just sat there in shock for a few minutes not knowing what to do lol…..
    Oh then the time she did it mid move from car seat to pram in the shopping centre car park…. I had to call my mum to come to the shops to help with that one


  • Ugh, don’t need to be reminded of those!!


  • Ohh been there, bombs in the cot. But the worst one was gastro. It was a never ending ???? on tap. I would never forget it was easy to put a towel on the changing table n when explosion has happened, I was able to take my son in the shower with me. Few accidents in the shower too soon settled down. I was next with gastro.
    Cloth nappies n face washers I had stored in different rooms and it helped heaps.


  • Everytime when I feel the baby trying to make one I’ll try to hold her in upright position and dun put pressure on the place where the poo comes out. Wait for a few minutes for the baby to finish then just put her in the sink thru running warm water to clean the dirty part. The smell of breastfeed baby poo is not as bad as adult poo.


  • I got caught out last night, I was out at a show, it was rainy and cold, there was nothing to change him on and the change mat I usually have in my nappy bad wasn’t in there, so I had to use a plastic raincoat and blanket as the change mat but it was terrible! He was screaming to make things worse, the poo was all up his back!


  • Haha how true are these poonamis!!


  • Truly shocked by these photos!


  • Those images are crazy! I’m in the lucky side where this never happened to me! Just gotta clean it up when and if it happens and move on.


  • Oh god i am so thankful my daughter didn’t give me any nasties like these shown. I cant even understand how it goes right up to their head!!


  • There is nothing like a poonami.
    Especially when your in the position of just putting your child in the laundry trough clothes and all just to clean them .


  • I needed this right now. My 12 month old had a big poo in the shower tonight. That was not fun.


  • Ooh yes these are hideous. You jst ave to grit your teeth.


  • Oh no. The first pictures make me cry, or laugh… not sure about that. 🙂


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