CategoryEducation & Technology
Cheating on social media by hearting someone'...
How is it teenagers think putting a love heart on a post is cheating.
23 AnswersMissing school for holidays and the ramifications
We are wanting to take our son out of prep for several weeks to travel in our caravan....
21 AnswersHelp me to stop my child watching too much Youtube...
I try to limit it to weekends but she on it after school, I work nites and she’s...
15 AnswersCultural learning at high school
All my children are aboriginal, and my eldest 2 are in high school. My son doesn’t really get into th aboriginal programs as...
7 AnswersAny recommendations for front loader washing machi...
I’ve always had a top loader washing machine but am looking to start my daughter on cloth nappies...
14 AnswersEBay crazy? What bargain have you scored?
Are you an EBay shopper? Addicted to the thrill of an auction ending and bidding at the last second? I am totally EBay...
9 AnswersIpad obsessed children. How much is too much?
We have 3 small children and one is very Ipad obsessed. He is very tech savvy for his age and a very quick...
4 AnswersStick on eyebrows …
My son has to go to his school ‘100 days of learning’ dressed as a 100 year old. So I’m going to put...
14 AnswersCan you flush WaterWipes?
Just wondering if WaterWipes are environmently friendly and flushable?
15 AnswersWhat’s the best work life balance for you?
Is there such a thing or is it about money
5 AnswersDo You Believe In Angels?
I have always believed in Angels but had never asked for their help until recently. Visiting a friend, she told me how she...
6 AnswersDoes No TV change your kids behaviour?
I’ve noticed my kids are much better behaved if they haven’t watched TV. What do other Mums think?
7 AnswersDo you read to your little one?
When do you start reading to them and what books do you read? I’ve started to read once a day and she’s 6 months...
3 AnswersShould I buy an iPad for school for my 5 year old?
Is it appropriate?
5 AnswersFavourite books for kids?
After some new titles for 4-7 yrs olds?
3 AnswersDo you use wish?
Been looking at wish and theres a few things that i want to get but a bit worried if its a legit site....
12 AnswersHow to become a tutor?
Ive looked and searched the internet but have ben unable to find any answer.
9 AnswersDoes your child have their own youtube channel?
Ive just started a youtube channel for my daughter. She asked to do one and we only really...
8 AnswersHELP! My son is a loner
my 10 year old son wont make friends 🙁 i told him to at least make one friend so he isnt lonely on...
7 AnswersUrgently need some ideas for an Autistic adult act...
If you have any ideas or suggestions for activities to do with a deaf Autistic adult I would...
6 AnswersFurther bursitis update
I wrote a little while back about my shoulder bursitis. I had the cortisone injection with no affect whatsoever. The Dr said I’m...
3 AnswersDo you swear in front of your kids?
i am interested to know peoples view on swearing infront of their kids and does it have any impact.
10 Answers