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We’re counting down the days until Frozen 2 hits the big screen….but critics are saying that maybe its time to let this famous movie enterprise go…Let it goooo….

In 2013, Frozen became an unexpected worldwide blockbuster, generating over AU$1.9 billion in global sales and becoming the highest-earning animated film ever. Six years later, our kids are still requesting Elsa dolls for Christmas and belting out the familiar tunes from the first movie.

The pressure is obviously on for the creators of the sequel and critics are saying that the movie is off the mark.

What It’s All About

The basic plot of Frozen 2 tells about a dangerous journey to discover the origin of Queen Elsa’s powers and, at the same time, to save their kingdom. The film welcomes back all the beloved characters from the original – Elsa (Idina Menzel), Anna (Kristen Bell), Kristoff (Jonathan Groff), Olaf (Josh Gad) and Sven.

Icy Reception

Initial reports from early reviews are a bit frosty. The Guardian said the storyline was “a bit underpowered and contrived.” The publication did say it was an entertaining revival but “a thaw is beginning to set in”.

The Hollywood Reporter said the movie was “predictable and safe” and Vanity Fair was scathing saying that the sequel was “entirely unnecessary, except in its duty to serve the needs of capital”, and that the creators strived for “a new mythos to match the original’s, but come up woefully short”.

BBC was also unimpressed sharing: “Inevitably, a sequel was made. And, almost inevitably, it’s nowhere near as good.”

“The catchy Broadway show-stoppers have been replaced by thudding rock-opera power ballads … the glacial clarity of the coming-of-age theme has been replaced by a flurry of mythological codswallop.

“Younger Elsa and Anna fans … will either be covering their eyes in distress or scratching their heads in confusion. Frozen II will leave them cold.”

Some Good News Too

Thank goodness it wasn’t all bad news and there were a handful of critics who applauded the movie’s direction.

The New York Post even went out on a limb saying that the second film was better than the first.

“Elsa’s powers and insecurities are still the star, of course, but this film should confirm to Disney just how perfect this entire ensemble of characters is,” the Post said.

Frozen II will hit Australia cinemas on 28 November.

Are you (and the kids) planning on seeing Frozen 2? Are you put off by the critics response? Tell us in the comments below.

  • Ive not seen either movie so cant say


  • You just can’t top the charm and positivity of the original, and a match to ‘Let It Go’.


  • I will wait until it is available on Foxtel haha. All of the people I know that have seen it loved it.


  • My son has never seen it and my daughter is only 5 months old so don’t think we will watch it straight away


  • It doesn’t interest me and thankfully my kids aren’t old enough yet to ask to see it. It sounds rather complicated for a kids movie


  • Just as long as it’s not another let it go – that has been in my head for years now


  • My husband took our 4 y/o.
    Says the original was better but still a good movie.


  • My daughter who is 7 cant wait to see frozen 2.She still sings the songs from frozen 1.She calls herself Elsa and dresses up like her but i have to admit my favorite character is olay.I mean who doesnt like warm hugs,right.


  • I didn’t think my daughter would be interested as her Frozen 1 hysteria had gone, but now it’s all she can talk about so I will be taking her


  • We love the Frozen 1. We will try to watch this one too.


  • My daughter isn’t that keen on seeing it.


  • I’ll have to wait till it comes out on DVD or Foxtel.


  • kiddos would love to see it still… have to see !


  • So upbuilding those icy negative comments.


  • Our family saw the movie then bought the DVD. I think I learnt most of the songs as the children watched the DVD more times than all their other favourites. I had some budding dancers including a 3 y.o. toddler who had his favourite character.


  • I’m not in a hurry to see it but will take my kids if they want to see it


  • I cant bring myself to watch this. It’s not my thing


  • I havent seen the first one but I do know I hate the song


  • I imagine it would be good, it has a large following of children who will no doubt love it!


  • Am i the only parent that hasn’t even seen the first movie ????


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