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A heartbreaking video of a young boy pleading to be left alone by bullies has gone viral.


Keaton Jones, from Tennessee, asked his mother, Kimberly Jones, a question that would break any parents heart.

‘Just out of curiosity, why do they bully? What’s the point of it? Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them,’ Keaton asked his mother through tears. ‘It’s not okay,’ he said.

His mother then asked: ‘What did they say to you?’

‘They make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends,’ Keaton answered as tears poured from his eyes.

‘What did they do to you at lunch?’ his mum asked.

Keaton replied: ‘Poured milk on me and put ham down my clothes. Threw bread at me.’

‘I don’t like that they do it to me and I for sure don’t like that they do it to other people because it’s not okay,’ he told his mother.

‘People that are different, don’t need to be criticized about it. It’s not their fault. If you are made fun of just don’t let it bother you. Stay strong I guess. It’s hard.

‘But it’ll probably get better one day,’ Keaton concluded.

His tear-jerking video captured the hearts of more than 19.5 million viewers on Facebook after it was posted by his mother.

Through his tears Keaton tells anyone that is bullied to NOT let it bother them, even though he knows it is hard and that it sucks, adding “It will probably get better one day.”

‘For the record, Keaton asked to do this AFTER he had he me pick him up AGAIN because he was afraid to go to lunch,’ his mother Kimberly wrote.

The video has been shared over 391K times and attracted over 15oK comments.


In October one Mum’s message about bullying, begging parents to take more responsibility for their kids went viral. Read that HERE.

Share your comments below. 

  • So terrible that bullying still happens in this day and age. Sorry for you young man.


  • I don’t understand why there is so much bullying going on. I’m so sorry they are doing this to you Keaton and I also want to say what a wonderful boy you are. I hope they start leaving you alone. All the best sweetheart.


  • Had the boy had serious allergy to any of those food they could have made him very sick. e.g milk or bread if any went into his mouth at all.
    I know a concerned Mum who went to the school office after her daughter had complained that she had been being bullied for 1/2 the school term. The girl’s Mum was told it was her daughter doing the bullying. Her response was if that’s the case why didn’t I as a parent receive a letter about my daughter’s behaviour. She didn’t get a reply. The Principal simply changed the subject. Before the end of the term (final one for the year) she and her husband both wrote letters requesting that she not be in the same classroom as the other child in question. Amusing part was neither parent told the other one about their letter. At least they were completely differently worded and sent from different computers, one of them a company one and the other a home one. One was handwritten, scanned and sent as an attachment. Their signatures are absolutely not alike in any way.


  • Kids can be horrible little creatures- I was bullied through most of school and it’s taken me a very long time to build my self-esteem and get over it. If I hadn’t been bullied I may not have been involved with my first husband at all (I met him by chatting to people online because I had no friends and was lonely and looking for love)- you just don’t know the affect that you could be having on someone else.


  • I’ve seen some very conflicting reports come out of this that paint hus mother in an awful light. Its starting to look like the things she believes its ok to say in front of her child, are things he has said in front of classmates and their bullying him is just retaliation. Either way I think he needs to be moved to a new school so everyone can get a fresh start. I hope he’s given access to a decent counselor.


  • Bullying is unacceptable. What a beautiful boy.


  • I just don’t understand parents who let their kids bully.


  • Bless you Keaton ! It’s not okay indeed, even more so, it’s wrong and cruel !
    So they pour milk on him and put ham down his clothes and threw bread at him ? How is this possible to happen during lunch break ?! Is there no supervision ?!!
    Hope mum was able to talk with the school and they’re taking action.


  • This video was shown and discussed on The Project tonight.


  • This young lad’s teacher needs to speak to his class mates. Why is this permitted to happen every single day, with no intervention. Disgraceful!


  • Wishing you all the very best Keaton ..stay strong and believe in karma.


  • I had no audio on the video but I can get the gist of it from the post. When is bullying like this going to stop. This boy has more heart and strength and courage than a bully would ever hope to have. His mother is very brave, as is the boy, for allowing this video to be shared. We need to continue to shine a light on bullying and shame those who do it.

    • I couldn’t see it either so I Googled it.


  • Very heartbreaking video


  • Such an emotional video. And what this boy has to endure every day. And so many other people too. 🙁 He was very brave and strong to share such a video.


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