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Kristen Bell, the well-known actress, and the voice behind Queen Elsa’s sister, Anna in Disney’s anticipated sequel Frozen 2, has shared that she told her kids “everything” about the upcoming movie, but had a trick up her sleeve to stop them from revealing the plot.

“I told my kids everything. I was in the mood to be a cool mom,” the celeb said.

In an interview with Sirius XM, she said:
“They were excited and then it occurred to me that I was in breach of my contract and I’m thankful now that it’s out that I can no longer get sued by Disney, because I said to them it’s very important that you not tell anyone at school.”

Mums The Word!

So how did she get her kids to stay silent?

“I [said] all of your teeth are going to fall out. Which is the best thing you can say to a kid.” she laughed.

“That’s really good parenting,” joked co-star, Idina Menzel, who is the voice of Anna’s sister Elsa.

Bells’ daughters Lincoln, 6, and Delta, 4, apparently “brushed it off,” but then the famous mum convinced them with a saying, “No they are, they’re all going to fall out.”

Hope They Don’t Talk!

“They also already know the whole plot line and all the songs, and I have yet to make them sign an NDA,” she told People. “So I could be screwed because they’re pretty chatty.”

“They are very excited even though they know everything that happens,” the Veronica Mars star added. “They were not as into Frozen one, they were only into Elsa and Anna because their friends were, but I think they’re going to be into Frozen 2.”

It looks like the kids have kept to their word and kept their teeth too….which must have been really difficult since their mum has been singing all the songs for the past two years that the film has been in production.

Frozen 2 blasts into Australian cinemas on 28 November 2019. We can’t wait!

Watch the full interview below.

Are you excited about Frozen 2? Tell us in the comments below.

  • I love Kristen and Dax….they are an awesome couple.


  • My daughter loved Frozen but was terrified by Frozen II.


  • Funny approach, her kids did so well not to tell anyone!
    Not a movie that interests me


  • That is a different approach…
    Cool the kids kept the secret!


  • My husband took my eldest 3 yesterday and they loved it !


  • I’m not excited at all but Miss 9 is beside her self


  • Hahaha this cracked me up, shows joe real Kristen is! Very excited to take my niece who’s not even 2 and sings let it go at the top of her lungs while wearing a tutu!!


  • Hahaha
    Her kids did so well not telling their friends all about it!!


  • Gee, she did really well keeping them quiet.


  • Not many children can keep a secret when it’s about something they love. What a great way to get them to stay quiet about something they are so excited about.


  • A “cool” Mum wouldn’t put her children in such a situation by telling them all about it then having to threaten them to prevent them from telling other children about it. In Aust. there is already plenty of merchandise in the shops. In fact some things are almost sold out.


  • Haha things we tell our kids


  • Kids keeping secrets at that age is very hard. Never heard of threating them with their teeth falling out before


  • Kristen and her husband dax are the best!


  • OMG I thought I couldn’t love Kristen Bell anymore… now I do


  • WOW! A 6 and 4 year old that didn’t blurt it out! That is amazing.


  • Well hopefully Disney won’t sue her


  • Haha! That is cool!


  • How old are her children?!?


  • She is so amazing and down to earth – go Kirsten!


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