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A mum, who breastfeeds her niece to help out her sister, says wet nursing should be normalised.

Emily Boazman, who has 115,000 followers on TikTok, shared a video of herself breastfeeding her niece, saying she was nursing her sister Kate’s baby while she eats and recovers. Emily’s sister adds: “I’ve already fed her. She just loves to nibble.”

“She wants to nurse 24/7, so I’ll just pop in and give her a little feed so Kate can get stuff done besides just nursing,” adds Emily.

While the concept of wet nursing, or breastfeeding someone else’s baby, isn’t new (we’ve previously featured another aunt breastfeeding her nephew), it’s not as common as it once was.

And judging by the comments, there are plenty of people who are uncomfortable with wet nursing.

“My jealousy would never allow this. That type bond is really special,” one mum commented.

“Weird a f to me I would never let someone nurse my baby,” said another.

In a follow-up TikTok, Emily shares several different videos of herself breastfeeding her niece, and at times, also feeding her own child.

“This used to be such a normal part of culture, and now its considered weird,” she captioned the video. “It truly “takes a village” and I think it’s so special to be able to feed my niece.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • I have no issues with this. Wet nursing has been a very common practice. The only thing I would consider that it can impoact the milk supply from the mum


  • The two sisters are happy, and the baby is getting breast milk which is so much better than formula, and that is all that is needed to be said.


  • This is only weird if we make it weird. And if there’s no parental consent.


  • I don’t think it’s something to be weird about. There’s nothing wrong with feeding your sister’s baby to help her out. In this day and age though, I’m not sure how I’d feel about non family members feeding my child.


  • Whatever works for them! Fed is best. Why is it an issue for anyone


  • If it works for them, all the power to the ladies.


  • Honestly each to their own. I personally dont see a problem with this at all if everyone is happy.


  • I think it should be considered more normal, I wouldn’t be super comfortable as I don’t have a sister but I think it was so valuable in the past and peoples ideals would shift.


  • Fabulous! I think it’s wonderful. And if they are both ok with it then no one else shouldn’t be. Wet nursing used to be very common practice.


  • Good on you!


  • The history of wet nursing is extremely interesting and well worth reading.


  • My only concern would be that it would change the milk supply for the baby’s mum and the wet nurse – if she is feeding her own children. The composition of breast milk is different at different baby ages too.


  • We really do have a very narrow minded approach to things. If your sister needs help isn’t that is all that matters?


  • I’m not sure I’d have wanted this, but if everyone involved is happy and consenting then I can’t really see a problem.


  • If they’re good with it, then that’s all good! Wet nursing many generations ago was much more common. It’s really no one else’s business ! Fed is best!


  • How beautiful that her sister can help out! The baby and mum are both benefiting.


  • If everyone is okay with it, then no worries.


  • So long as everyone is comfortable with it there’s no issue. As to people worrying over bonding- a child is not going to remember who fed them, once weaned they quickly forget all of that as they move towards more milestones. I think this is less weird than people feeding kids past the age of 2.


  • No problem if they’re both happy with it.
    However it would effect the milk supply from the biological mum when she lets someone else feed her baby on a consistent basis.


  • I was babysitting for a friend, we had babies the same age and she needed feeding – I fed her!


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