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What happens when you’ve watched your friend suffer heartbreak after heartbreak, and you feel like you can no longer be there for them? Do you walk away or keep watching them struggle? This mum thinks she can no longer watch her friend go through any more miscarriages.

The mum, who reached out to an online forum for support, says her good friend, has been trying to have a second baby for the past four years.

“She has now had seven miscarriages (all in the first trimester, and most within the first six weeks).,” she explained. “Obviously it has been devastating for her. She has struggled with her health, lost her job, and been battling depression. She is always either pregnant, trying to conceive with the help of hormones or recovering from another miscarriage.”

While the woman says she’s been supportive of her friend over these years, her most recent miscarriage has tipped her over the edge.

“I just want to beg her to stop trying and embrace life as it is. The kid she has is wonderful, loving and smart, but all she seems to be able to think about is the second that will likely never happen. At this point I don’t think I can be there for her anymore if she keeps going. I want to be endlessly supportive, but I can’t. I’ve hated seeing her waste all these wonderful years in a constant state of misery.”

The woman, who is a mum-of-one herself says she does understand where her friend is coming from.

“I’m a mum with an only child myself, and am perfectly happy having just the one. But of course I know not everyone feels the same, and I can really imagine not feeling like your family is complete. I have so wanted it to happen for her. But surely at some point enough is enough and you count your blessings?”

What do you think she should do? Keep supporting her friend or distance herself? Let us know in the comments below.

  • YOur compassion for your friend needs to extend to letting her make her own decision. It is not likely to be one she comes to overnight. You would do best by continuing to be there for her, and at absolute most, asking her if she has considered alternative courses of action.


  • It’s definitely not something you should be saying to your friend. I understand that it can hurt and you just dont want to see her in anymore pain miscarriage after miscarriage but it’s ultimately her life and her choices. As painful as it is, sometimes its the next one that works and its her choice


  • I don’t think this is something you can ever really tell another person. She needs to decide for herself.


  • Your friend really needs your support but in giving that you would be very cruel to advise her to give up on her dreams of having her own child. She has her own life to live and will not appreciate interference. Who knows, her dream may come to reality. I hope so.


  • As sad as it is it isn’t up to you to tell her to stop. It’s her life and if it’s something she truely wants as her friend you just need to be there for her. Is she seeing a doctor about it all? Maybe help her by suggesting ways that can help her?


  • Everyone has to navigate through their own life and the path taken by friends and family may not be the path that others would take. Everyone has to walk their own way on their journey and take their own path. It is also up to friends and family on how much support they give to each other, but ultimately there is no say in what anyone else chooses.


  • I think you should not influence your friend in what is an important life decision for her. It’s wonderful that you are an emotional support for her, but you need to find the right balance between being there for your friend and not letting things become too overwhelming for you.


  • This is such a horrible and sad situation but ultimately you can’t ask your friend to stop trying for another baby. Obviously you do have the choice whether you can continue to support your friend or not and if you decide you can you can gently let her know why but be prepared to potentially lose a friend.


  • Ugh this is such a sad situation. I can understand feeling so much for your friend and wanting to save them from further heart break, but this is a sensitive topic with so much behind it that it won’t be received well. I hope her friend can find peace, the emotional instability must not be great for the kids they do have.


  • We all have to live our own truth and yes the entire process is exhausting. If you need to step back, it doesn’t have to be forever, just speak your truth. That emotionally you’re not able to support her through this process because you worry for her health and get child ‘s wellbeing. Her response is on her, but if you kindly soak your truth and insert boundaries you need, then the for is always open for the future.


  • This is your friend’s decision but I am wondering if she has been to see an IVF specialist. They can really help with women who are having a lot of miscarriages. It would seem to be an option for her to try. They are very helpful in sorting out what is happening with a woman’s body which can cause miscarriages.


  • I don’t feel this is any of your business, this is her life, no matter how hard and sad it is watching her go through this. She has every right to keep trying if this is something she wants to do. It is ok to not be this person’s friend but you do not have the right to tell her to stop trying. How would you feel if someone said this to you.


  • Be there for your friend. My neighbour suffered several miscarriages (7) after her first born and then had a beautiful boy and again suffered a few more and then had her 3rd son. The decision is ultimately your friends. I hope you look after her kid sometimes to give her a break or give her a massage voucher or something to help her ease her stress.


  • Mind your business its her suffering and she has the will and desire to go on so respect her needs not yours


  • Whilst it is very hard watching your friend go through so many miscarriages, you cannot make the decision for her to give up trying for a baby. I feel you want her to give up to save your friend’s health but she and her partner have to make that decision themselves.


  • I know what it’s like to have one miscarriage after another. I suffered through multiple miscarriages but I didn’t want to stop trying. You could suggest your friend speaks to her doctor to find out why this is happening. It may help her to stop focusing on what if and focus on her life and the child she has. It worked for me.


  • Unfortunately, this is something that the friend needs to decide for herself. It is very sad that she is most likely almost abandoning the child that she already has for this quest. Let’s face it, if she is going through everything listed above, where is she going to find the time to give her other child what he or she needs? She needs to accept that medically, she is not able to have another child.


  • This is heart breaking but it is a decision she needs to make for herself. What an amazing friend you have been and hopefully you can get over the way you are feeling. We all need a really great friend.


  • We can’t really advice what another person should or should not do, certainly when we don not know either of these persons. We can share feelings and experienced and we can express concern and care. When I lived in Sydney I had a friend who went though 17 miscarriages and her partners pain and grief was raw. In the end they ended adopting a boy and were able to shift their focus and enjoy their life and that what they had.


  • Everyone has to be fully responsible for their own choices and their own life and it is never a good idea to tell someone else how to live their life. It is always a good idea to flip it and reflect on how it would feel to be told how to live your life.


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