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Singer Kelly Clarkson, who is expecting her first child, doesn’t know why they call it morning sickness. “That’s my big joke right now,” she said on the US Today show. “It’s like all day and night.”

  • The more I hear about Kelly clarkson the more I am liking her.


  • shes so beautiful. i was very lucky not to have any morning sickness at all! best of luck to her


  • Getting through the morning sickness was the worst part (other than the pain of labour of course!).


  • I remember the feeling well!


  • I have been so very lucky with 3 pregnancies and no morning sickness at all.
    But i did get pregnancy induced Epilepsy which was not so great.


  • I have a soft spot for Kelly Clarkson and I really feel for her having 24 hour morning sickness. Hope it eases up for her soon.


  • Oh boy do I know how that feels! The only thing that helped was anti nausea tablets given to chemo patients


  • poor thing – I hope it gets better for her


  • I was lucky with most of my pregnancies except for 2 which were horrid for morning sickness. Good luck Kelly I hope your second trimester is a relief for you. xxx


  • I remember this well. Hopefully it won’t last too long.


  • for my 1st pregnancy it was so smooth no morning sickness at all & it was such a wonderful experience but now with the 2nd bub OMG its really irritating.


  • It’s not a very pleasant feeling but it was all worth it!!!!


  • i got morning sick about 12 weeks. after that get better.


  • I suffered all day nausea, just a sick feeling all day with my first. It got better after 13 weeks, but I’m glad I never threw up or anything.


  • Love Kelly. Im so happy she is pregnant.


  • My 1st could not figure why people called it morning sickness nothing, 2nd child it was on but I did not know what it was as not trying. All day my husband had to feed out toddler, grew to love crackers and flat lemonade.


  • I hear you Kelly and good on you for being honest. Didn’t suffer from morning sickness but all-day sickness myself.


  • With both of my children I had morning sickness all day and night till 19 weeks, I couldn’t move without throwing up. The most embarrassing place I threw up was in front of a shop, I must have looked like I was drunk or something, got used to also throwing up in bushes.


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