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Do you find that the minute you’re able to step out of your routine a little, you lighten up a little and relax a lot?

I certainly do.  In fact, I’ve come to realise that I am not a creature of habit and would rather have everyday be a little different to the last.  I find a break in routine a little like a mini vacation and suddenly I feel energised to start a new project or more importantly, have a little more fun than usual with my kids.

Take today for example; the Dad in our household has headed off on a boys’ camping weekend (so not jealous of that as I listen to the rain pitter patter on our roof).  The kids helped him pack his gear last night and waved him off before they left for their respective places for the day.

After 3 different pick ups, we headed off to do a grocery shop.  We have a busy weekend coming up so I wanted to get a little organised.  Surprisingly (not) all three babes were hungry the minute we arrived at the shopping centre so rather than allow them to feast on a fortune worth of milkshakes and donuts, we decided to have a night to morning day!  Yes we all laughed and said let’s do everything backwards.

So we had dinner for afternoon tea (sushi rolls and edamame beans) and are now having afternoon tea for dinner (milk and cookies) … in front of TV!

Completely out of the ordinary and just a little bit naughty.  The kids think it’s all a bit of fun and are being surprisingly compliant without any squabbles.

Now all that remains is to see how happy we all are when I tell them in 5 minutes it’s time for teeth and bed!  Wish me luck and in the meantime tell me …

Do you relax a little more when your partner is away?  Do you sneak in a few little fun things?  Or are you a straight down the line all the time kinda mum?

  • We definitely mix things up when it’s just me! Whatever works!


  • We are all over the place lol.
    My hubby is a shift worker so his hours are never consistent. Both of us are completely exhausted all the time as he does 12 hour shifts and I work part time and do all the kids activities, cooking, cleaning etc.
    I try and meal plan at the start of each week but towards the end, if we ate both super exhausted and craving something in particular at usually just go with the cravings.


  • It is fun to go out-side the normal daily routine!


  • Yum!! I am all for unconventional dinners


  • Always, just seems he wants things a certain way but we love to try new and off the cuff stuff.


  • Great! A really interesting article! Thank for this read!


  • I love to sit down with a cookie and a glass of milk ….. when I get the time.

    • Milk and cookies are a treat no matter the age!


  • Having a break every now and then is good. We have done things like camping in the living room and eating popcorns and watching movie together. I like the idea of “Milk and Cookies” too and my little girl would love that too.


  • I think I’d sneak a few treats in if the kids were away with dad but with them home no time for treats for me!


  • Our dad is away most of the time so I try and stick to the same routine.


  • i love how this article was summed up. i think that it is good to give yourself a break sometimes

    • cheers for posting. it is good to come back and give this a read.


  • Thanks for sharing this article; a good and thoughtful read.


  • sneaking a treat. thanks for sharing


  • Sounds good :). We tend to spend more time together when we’re by ourselves… no telly just camping out in the lounge :). As a kid we’d have baked beans or spaghetti on toast when Dad was away as he was a meat & 5 veg no-nonsense eater.


  • Oh yes please this is going to be my dinner tonight thanks


  • Definitely need to sneak in a treat or two…being mum and on the go 24/7 I think we deserve that! 😉


  • Milk and cookies for dinner. I’m so in for that. Yummm. I love both. Maybe chocolate milk too. Good to mix it up sometimes and have different things at different times. Thanks for sharing.


  • Anytime is a good time for milk and cookies!!!!


  • You have to step away from the ordinary every now and then, and do something different and fun. Not all the time, but every now and then it’s great to bring out the inner child and join your kids in being a bit “naughty”.


  • I am the same with my partner here or not


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