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A mum forced by her abusive boyfriend to have sex with a female prostitute was very concerned for her young son.

The woman’s former boyfriend took photos and video of the act, uploaded it to porn websites and then threatened to also send the explicit images to her friends and family if she did not do as he told her.

The incident was reported to a Senate inquiry to decide whether new offences should be created in relation to revenge-porn, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

A submission by the South Australian-based Victim Support Service cited the case of Amira*, a young woman who was in an abusive relationship with her then-partner Hashim*.

It said Hashim pressured Amira to have sex with a female prostitute and, fearing for her safety, she complied. Amira later reported feeling like a “performing donkey”.

“Amira was very concerned that her young son had been exposed to these images as Hashim had previously shown his son online pornography,” the submission stated.

“Amira also feared that Hashim would follow through on his threats to send the images to her family and friends if she did not do everything that Hashim wanted.”

The submission said Amira went to police and contacted the website to request the images be removed, but “there were no legal consequences or penalties for Hashim”.

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions told the inquiry of “limitations on existing Commonwealth laws” to adequately deal with revenge porn. The case was postponed until next month.

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*Names changed for protection of identity.

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  • How traumatic for the poor woman! Abusers come in all shapes and forms, and this is just sick and terrifying. I hope he gets the right punishment and the woman is able to heal from the awful damages he’s caused.


  • what – this is crazy stuff… there are such Aholes in the world!


  • What a shocking story. There really needs to be tough laws to make preditors like this think twice before acting like this.


  • that is so cruel! how can people do this stuff!


  • There are so many sickos around. How do women find them in the first place. Poor woman feeling like she had to do these things because she was afraid. Hope he gets what’s coming to him


  • It’s so disgusting! Poor woman. How traumatizing!!


  • What a absolute sick person. I hope they punish him for it. i hope the lady qnd her son get councilling


  • What an absolute pig! I really hope he doesn’t get away scot free!


  • What is Revenge Porn? I have never heard of the term.

    I do think that this story is horrible for the lady involved, and I hope that there is some sort of penalty given to this man who forced this on her.

    What sort of person does that and really what did he gain from it? I hope that she gets the result she is hoping for out of this court case.


  • Lke bx


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