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A mum-of-two has revealed the state of her house as she battled debilitation morning sickness, while still looking after her two young daughters.

Emily Boazman shared a video of her house, strewn with toys, laundry, food and craft supplies – a byproduct of her daughters doing pretty much what they liked, while all she could do was throw up.

“Actual footage of my house while I had hyperemesis gravidarum and my two young daughters basically raise themselves while my husband was at work,” she wrote.

“They made MASSIVE messes and I could literally do nothing except lay there and throw up.”

Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe form of morning sickness, that can even lead to hospitalisation. It can cause dehydration and weight loss, but there are still many women who have never heard of it, because it only affects between 0.3 and 3.6% of pregnancies.

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Emily’s video has attracted hundreds of supportive comments from women going through the same hellish pregnancy symptom.

“I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again … there needs to be more awareness and treatments for HG!,” wrote one mum.

“I had hyperemisis with my son. It’s as close to death as I ever want to be. I thought I was going to die,” said Chelsea Bowling.

‘You need a new husband’

While the video was meant to help educate other mums, and normalise HG, some took Emily’s husband to task for not helping more.

“Honestly I have a hard time believing this is your husband’s best,” wrote one commenter. “And if so, you need a new husband.”

Emily responded with another video, saying her husband was a ‘rockstar’. “Every day he would come home for lunch, make the girls food, check on them, go back to work, come home from work, make us all dinner, get me whatever I needed because I was literally vomiting my life away.

“Then he would try to clean up areas of the house. But no matter how much he cleaned, when a five and a three-year-old are by themselves every day, because I was no capable of anything, they’re going to make each room a disaster, and they did.”

Emily says she eventually started to feel better at around 21 weeks pregnant.

Did you suffer from severe morning sickness? How did you cope? Let us know in the comments below.

  • But they got through. The mess is what it is and im glad she didnt bother stressing over it. There are worse things.


  • I had 3 Hg pregnancies and my daughters are all close together. There were times I thought I was going to die. My house was always a mess. When pregnant with my third my second was only 4 months old so I would often have to put her on the floor mid feed while I vomited and keep going back and fro while my eldest used to just trash things. It was a time in my life I won’t soon forget, I got so used to IV fluids and the taste of stomach acid 🙁 there really should be better treatment and support for it because I remember with my eldest at one point wishing to end it all.


  • Lucky no morning sickness for me .


  • I am just so grateful I was never that sick. It must have been awful.


  • I had HG with my daughter. It made me terrified when I realised I was pregnant with my son. Thankfully relatively normal sickness with him! It has affected my eating since though!


  • I know someone who suffered terribly during her first pregnancy. I wouldn’t wish this affliction on anyone.


  • I feel for her big time. I had pretty bad morning sickness with my son. But not as bad as that. And yes omg my kids trash the house on a daily. So no judgement here at all. Wishing her the best.


  • Yes this does look like hell!


  • It becomes a real struggle when you have HG. Thankfully I never had it but I can only imagine how it must feel.


  • It is so hard to cope with – do hope all is well now with you.


  • Yes, and I can feel her pain (and nausea). I had an amazing husband and my Mum really helped out. I pretty much was laid up in bed or on the couch for the 9 months. Mum cooked meals at her house because I couldn’t stand the smell of cooking or anything in the house and my hubby handled everything else as well as me. He was amazing.


  • Omg, I have never heard of this but this must be so difficult for her. All the best girl, hoping you will get through this soon.


  • This poor mum. If only she had a village and support around her to help manage whilst she was so ill.


  • I had quite bad morning sickness so I can definitely relate here! Luckily my partner was amazing and helped out as much as he could


  • I can completely understand and it’s okay. What you’re going through is ridiculously hard! That being said, as tired as he is, hubby needs to lend a hand when he gets home from work to try and get things to rights. It still won’t be perfect, but it will be better. Also, depending on age, you should at least try to get the kids tidying up some things on their own. I have been teaching mine since a young age.


  • All of you poor ladies having to suffer through this, I can’t even begin to imagine and then to top it off, with young kids to look after too. You are all amazing in my eyes.


  • Aw I get how she feels, my friend got abit like this too


  • I totally understand and can relate. All you have to think about is that things will eventually get better


  • I feel sorry for anyone who has morning sickness to that extent.


  • I’m sure he was trying his best whilst working. Glad this mum is feeling better now tho


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