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This mum admits to using breastmilk in the brownies as she didn’t have time to get to the shop…

An anonymous mum has taken to Facebook to share her disbelief after coming under fire for selling breastmilk brownies at the school bake sale. After other mums found out about the unconventional ingredient, the mum says she was hit with a wave of criticism despite her insistence that it made absolutely no difference.

Advice Please

The mum said she wasn’t sure how to handle the situation.

“I need some advice,” she wrote. “I made brownies for my school bake sale that had breastmilk in them. I didn’t have time to run to the store and didn’t think it was a big deal (some of those kids could use the nutrition, let’s be honest). One of the mums found out and is blowing it way out of proportion. Idk what to do!”

While the mums call for advice seemed to fall on deaf ears, that didn’t stop thousands of comments flooding in within half an hour…

Just Not Ok

Responses to the post were divided, with most disgusted by the mum’s lack of consideration.

“Honestly this is actually near a criminal offence!” wrote one shocked commenter. “Secretly feeding children that aren’t yours baked goods with your bodily fluids in them is gross, shady and borderline psychotic.”

“So, I know we are all mammals…etc, but the smell of breastmilk seriously makes me yacky. The thought of breastmilk brownies made me throw up in my mouth a little,” said another.

Some of the comments were hilarious:

“Ummmm those other moms should THANK you. Don’t they know breast milk cures everything from cancer to anal warts, psoriasis, lumbago, sweat of limbs and stupidity. So, like, all the things that coconut oil and essential oils don’t cure. Pffffft. Ungrateful bitches,” said on comment.

“Oh my gosh, YES, the only way I can get my kids to drink breast milk is by slipping it into baked goods, breakfast cereal, etc. They’re in their 20s, so they’re not as receptive to latching on anymore, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to deprive them of Mommy’s precious nutrients,” said another tongue-in-cheek comment.


It seems parents were right to be concerned, with the US Food and Drug administration saying that unscreened breastmilk can pose serious health risks, including exposure to infectious diseases.

We think that whatever you choose to do when it comes to feeding your own kids is one thing, but using breastmilk in a bake sale contribution is completely unacceptable. Who knows what else is hiding inside those cookies and cakes!?

Do you think this mum was wrong to use breastmilk in her brownies? Let us know in the comments!

  • I wouldn’t be happy with that! If people are aware then they can make their own choices, I personally wouldn’t want to eat one.


  • Honestly I’m torn.
    She definitely shouldn’t have done it without consent because those parents have no idea what could be in her milk. I’m just hoping she told them about any allergens she has been consuming.
    But in saying that, she is right when she says they’re making it bigger than it really is. A lot of people see breast milk as something gross. It’s not like she pissed in the brownies


  • I agree, not ok


  • Nope. She should’ve been open about it and let,people decide Id they wanted it


  • Ok that is just gross. I would be furious if my kids ate these!


  • Because of 1 person is this going to lead to what some other does. For shared snacks in class, has to be in a packet from the supermarket/shops it’s not allowed to be baked or cut up, tampered at home. Which is pretty dumb but who knows what your eating other people breastmilk ????


  • this is totally insane


  • Hmmm..breastmilk for a bake sale


  • I’m all for breastfeeding and have breastfed both of my babies (one I’m still feeding) but this is definitely overstepping the mark. Feed your own kids your breastmilk brownies, but not everyone!


  • Yes I would be angry. It’s completely wrong and she should have been upfront about what was in them before people bought them


  • That’s disgusting….really not on.


  • why on earth would you do that.


  • I would be furious!
    No thanks!!!!


  • So many health issues here… Stupid and irresponsible.


  • No no no


  • I wouldn’t be ok with this


  • Just when you think you’ve heard it all. Oh dear.


  • To me it’s okay to do this but only if it is for your own children or family provided they know before they eat any. As for using it in a product for sale, it is definitely wrong.


  • Ewwww. I don’t want to know or think I ate something with breastmilk. I think that is disgusting. How would she have felt if put in that situation? Not okay.


  • Not good. Breast milk is healthy for babies but that also depends on how healthy the mother is- whether she drinks or smokes, etc. that and the fact that it’s just gross.


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