Mum takes to Instagram to share the ups and downs of motherhood. It really is a nonstop rollercoaster ride!
Cat & Nat are big at sharing mum truths. If you haven’t already heard of them you must check out their youtube. It is classic!
Sharing an image on Instagram looking totally exhausted whilst snuggled up with her toddler she captioned the photo,
“You know what is hard? Motherhood.
You know what is amazing ? Motherhood.
You know what is lonely? Motherhood (even though you are never alone, like ever).
You know what makes you feel like the biggest failure? Motherhood.
You know what makes you feel like you are super human? Motherhood.
You know what makes you feel like you are crazy? Motherhood.
You know what makes you feel like the most patient person in the world? Motherhood.
And guess what makes you feel like the most impatient person in the world, yup, Motherhood.
You know what brings out your worst side? Motherhood.
You know what brings out your best side? Motherhood.
Motherhood, it is full of oxymorons, polar opposites, fear, doubt, joy, love, and literally every single emotion in between and some you didn’t even know existed. Wherever you are on this motherhood spectrum, from brand new to having grand children, all of us feel these emotions, you really aren’t alone.
So to every person who feels a little alone today, please take this post and pocket it. The beautiful thing about motherhood is, we should all get it. We are all doing the best we can, with never ever knowing how to actual do it.
So smile at the new mom, the mom with a whole bunch of kids in tow, and to the grandmother who has seen it all. Because there’s no reason for any of us to be alone in this thing because we really should be able to all relate on one thing, and that is the above.”
WORD! Totally agree. It is nonstop rollercoaster riding from the minute they are born.
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mom94125 said
- 01 Nov 2017
taynik46 said
- 22 Feb 2017
mom160421 said
- 22 Feb 2017
june11 said
- 22 Feb 2017
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