Have you ever wondered what happens to you and baby in Week 22 of pregnancy?
To read week 21, please click here.
Here is a detailed list of Week 22 pregnancy facts:
- Your baby’s eyelids remain fused but can still detect the difference between light and dark.
- Closer to term, your baby will start opening their eyes so they have lots of practice when they are born.
- Your baby is now 29 centimeters long and weighs approximately 400 grams.
- Your baby starts to build an immune system to act as a natural defense against infection.
- In addition, he or she will begin to produce and store fatty tissue to produce body heat and keep warm. This fatty layer called brown fat starts to build up on different parts of the body and continues to do so until your baby is born.
- Your baby starts to move more becoming more coordinated as muscles develop and strength increases.
- He or she can now turn and stretch.
- Common complaints at this stage are mummy brain, pregnancy amnesia, foggy brain, call it what you like but it all means the same thing. This can be very frustrating and even end in tears some days.
- Try to focus on one thing at a time and then complete it before you move on to something else.
- It can take until the 22nd week of pregnancy for the true reality of pregnancy to hit home. You are going to have a baby. Doubt may come creeping into your mind.
- You may question your ability to mother a child. This can be a normal and even healthy response to such a significant event.
For more information view the following video:
mom94125 said
- 17 Oct 2015
dannsbuild said
- 16 Sep 2015
mom94125 said
- 08 Mar 2015
cherz said
- 17 Feb 2015
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