
  • Makes 1
  • 5 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Current nutrition trends tell us that the best breakfast we can give ourselves includes a serve PROTEIN + a serve of GOOD FAT + a serve of SMART CARBS.  If this all sounds like hard work, it’s not.  And these Little Breaky Egg Bowls are a great start.

These Little Breaky Egg Bowls are perfect if you are in a hurry and trying very hard to eat a nourishing breakfast rather than grabbing the kids leftovers or a coffee and banana bread.  Literally 5 minutes and you’re done.

Ingredients (makes 1 Little Breaky Bowl)

  • 2 Large Free Range Eggs
  • 1 tbsp Sour Cream
  • 1 tbsp Brown Lentils, drained
  • 1/4 Avocado, peeled, seeded and sliced
  • 1 wedge Lemon
  • 1 tsp Butter or Olive Oil


  1. Lightly beat together the eggs and the sour cream and season to taste with salt & pepper.
  2. If you like to scramble your eggs in a pan, add a little olive oil and/or butter to a non stick pan on a moderate heat and add the eggs. Try not to move the eggs around too much or the egg and liquid will separate. Cook until 'just cooked' - that way the egg will stay silky smooth. If you prefer to pop the eggs in the microwave, run a little butter or olive oil around the inside of your little bowl, add the eggs and then cook on high for 15 - 20 seconds. Stir and then cook for a further 10 - 15 seconds if required (remember don't cook the eggs for too long as they will go rubbery)
  3. Once your egg are cooked, add the lentils, avocado, cherry tomatoes and a squeeze of lemon. Season to taste and if you feel like a little heat to get your metabolism up and running for the day, add some chilli flakes or a dusting of cayenne pepper.

If you're not a fan of lentils, you could switch this out for another 'smart carb'.  Try a few pieces of baked sweet potato (perhaps left over from a roast dinner), some Mexican Black Beans, a tablespoon of cooked Quinoa, a tablespoon of Brown Rice or at a stretch, a small piece of toasted good quality sourdough bread.
  • Lovely, my daughter will LOVE this !


  • This looks very yummy. I must admit that I just tend to plonk my breaky on the plate.


  • Looks very inviting for the children. Think I’ll stick to my bacon, fried tomato and egg with a slice of toast, though. Thanks for sharing, Nikki.


  • Cute and easy idea for your own brekky bowl. Not a fan of the lentils like that, but could add any number of things.


  • This sounds healthy but I’ll give it a miss because of the lemon but thanks for sharing


  • Looks very healthy…not sure about that lentils


  • I love breakfast just a bit more now, delicious and cute.


  • Great breakfast option, and only 5 minutes.


  • The little Breaky bowl looks good, always looking for something different for breakfast.


  • Such a great idea a change from the usual toast or cereal


  • Seems like a great one for the week end or any other day have time.


  • Such a great idea. Very quick and so much healthier than cereal.


  • I like this idea for the whole family. Great recipe, Thank you.


  • looks good thanks for sharing


  • So cute and delicious.


  • What a great mixed brekky bowl!


  • These bowls look simple to make and yet delicous as well and healthy screams at me when I see this. Looks so fresh and tantalising.


  • I can’t wait to give this ago with quinoa


  • I’m going to try this this weekend.


  • This looks like such a healthy filling breakfast.


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