
  • Makes 16
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients

111 Comment

A few weeks ago, I bought a couple of slabs of the beloved Cadbury Caramilk chocolate. After ploughing through an entire slab while binging on Netflix, I decided to get creative and use this delicious chocolate to make Pie Maker Caramilk doughnuts.

Since I started making scrumptious pie maker Nutella stuffed doughnuts, I have never bought another shop-fried doughnut again. So I had a brainwave – why don’t I simply replace the Nutella with melted Carmilk chocolate and see how that pans out.

Well, let me tell you – it was a scrumptious success. I actually preferred the caramilk version to the Nutella ones – the caramilk doughnuts are slightly less rich and have a smooth, delicate caramel flavour.

Using the Pie Maker to make these doughnuts means that they’re much healthier than the deep fried version, so you don’t have to feel too guilty when you can’t resist eating more than one (Ok, I admit it, I had three!).

piemaker caramilk doughnuts

The Secret to the Perfect Pie Maker Caramilk Doughnut

The secret to a perfect Pie Maker Caramilk Doughnut is NOT to fill the pie hole to the top with batter. Less is more in this case as the doughnuts do rise. Fill each pie hole to about a half. Add a teaspoon full of melted caramilk and then top off with more batter until about three/quarters of the way only. If you fill the pie hole too much, your doughnuts will not cook properly and they will be burnt on the outside but raw in the centre. Yuch!

Once your caramilk doughnuts are ready, remove them from the pie maker and brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. I also then drizzled the top with melted caramilk.

This recipe makes quite a few doughnuts so I actually made half caramilk doughnuts and half Nutella – just to add a bit of choice.

caramilk and nutella doughnuts

Ingredients (makes 16 Doughnuts)

  • 2 cups flour
  • 2/3 cup caster sugar
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 80g melted butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 x 200g blocks Caramilk chocolate
  • 2/3 Cup caster sugar
  • 4 TB cinammon
  • 80g melted butter


  1. Add the flour, baking powder and sugar into a bowl and mix.
  2. In a separate bowl, add the melted butter, egg and milk and whisk together.
  3. Then add the wet ingredients to the bowl with flour mixture and gently fold together. Be gentle as you don't want to squash out all the air in the batter.
  4. Break up 2 x 200g slabs of Caramilk chocolate into a microwave-safe bowl. Then heat in the microwave on low heat (I use 30% power) for a minute at a time, until the chocolate melts. Careful the chocolate burns very easily and quickly so watch carefully.
  5. Add about one quarter of the melted chocoate to the batter and stir.
  6. Add the batter to the piemaker (I don't pre-heat it). I fill up each hole until each is about one quarter full. IMPORTANT - Do not overfill pie holes - otherwise they will not cook
  7. Add one teaspoon of melted chocolate to the top of the batter in each pie hole.
  8. Top with a bit more batter to cover the caramilk. The pie holes should only be about 2/3rds full at this point.
  9. Switch on the pie maker and close the lid.
  10. Cook until the bottom is nicely browned and then flip each doughnut over carefully and allow to continue cooking. Cook the doughnut pies until the top is golden brown.
  11. Once both the top and bottom are browned, poke a skewer into the centre to check that the doughnut is cooked. You will know that the doughnut is cooked once the skewer comes out without any liquid sticking to it.
  12. Remove the doughnuts from the piemaker and repeat with the remaining batter (the mixture should make about 16 doughnuts)
  13. Brush the warm doughnuts with melted butter and sprinkle with the mixture of cinammon and sugar. Drizzle the tops of the doughnuts with any remaining melted Caramilk chocolate.

Before making this recipe, be sure to check out my top tips for making the PERFECT PIE MAKER DOUGHNUTRecipes inspired by Best Recipes Nutella Doughnuts
  • These look so delicious and it’s remarkable how easy they are to make. I still haven’t gotten around to getting a pie maker, but the recipes I keep seeing pop up are inspiring. My whole family loves caramilk and these little donuts look amazing! I would definitely love to try making some.


  • What an awesome recipe and how simple yet creative is that. I love this idea, it’s something you could make and get the kids involved with. I bet it tastes amazing and will hit all those right spots when you need that chocolate and sugar rush or have friends coming over.


  • What a smart recipe! Now THIS is worth the annoying job of cleaning the pie market after use.


  • Very creative and they sound wonderful. I’m sure these will be a big hit.


  • Just one question: How do you stop at one? 😀


  • These look very tasty


  • Oh my these sound delicious. So much for the diet ????


  • What a delicious idea! Yum. I doubt these would last very long in my cupboard!


  • I think I need a pie maker……yum!


  • These sound absolutely amazing! I love caramilk chocolate!


  • Yum, I’ll show this one to the teenagers. I can see them try out this recipe 🙂


  • Oh no, this is not going to help me keep off those creeping kilos!!


  • Recipe looks and sounds delicious. Thanks also for sharing your pie maker tips.


  • Wow this recipe looks deluxe! So delicious.


  • They look too sweet for me plus I don’t have a piemaker anyway


  • I no longer have my pie maker, so would be open to anyone making these for me!!


  • They look amazing!

    • This is a great recipe for kids. They gonna love this caramilk inspired doughnuts.


  • I now have the perfect munchie recipe thank you


  • Oh I need a pie maker! This makes me want to drool!


  • The pie maker is an essential accessory in our kitchen. Can’t wait to try these


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