
  • Makes 16
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


You can really put whatever you like on the top!

Ingredients (makes 16 pieces)

  • 8 whole potatoes
  • an amount canola oil
  • an amount melted butter
  • an amount salt to taste
  • 1 jar pizza sauce
  • 1 nob mozzarella cheese - grated
  • 1 pepperoni


  1. Preheat oven to 400. Scrub potatoes leaving skin on.
  2. Rub each potato with canola oil. Sprinkle with salt and bake until the potatoes are tender and the skins are crisp, about 30 to 45 minutes.
  3. Cut the baked potatoes in half and with a spoon scoop out most of the insides, leaving a bit of a rim all around. Brush the inside and outside of each half with melted butter. Place the potatoes skin side up and return to the oven for 5 minutes. With tongs turn them over and put them back in the oven for a few more minutes or until the potatoes are crisp. Remove them from the oven and set aside.
  4. Fill each skin with a spoonful of pizza sauce. Add a good amount of grated cheese and sprinkle on some diced pepperoni. Return them to the oven for just a couple of minutes, or until the cheese is melted


You'll definately be making these again, everyone loves them!

  • Great idea. These sound yummy.


  • Well hello these would go down a treat


  • Thanks for sharing – this is a truly novel idea.


  • Looks amazing thanks for sharing your recipe


  • what a great idea thanks for sharing


  • I have never seen pizza made this way. These pizzas look so good and I do love potato skins.


  • Ooh yum, I haven’t eaten Potato Skins since the old Sizzler days.


  • I love potato skins! So yummy!


  • Yum on my list for this one at my next party


  • Yum!


  • This one will be tasty.


  • What a great idea but what did you do with the potato that you scooped out?

    • Maybe use it for dinner the next day :)

      • You could use it to make baked potato soup, potato mash, potato croquettes or potato patties, shepherds pie etc


  • these look like fun


  • Look nice for a change always looking for new ideas, only other thing is the potato you scoop out need to seal in a container for another meal.


  • Very interesting..will try it one day


  • Pizza and potatoes – my two favourite things together as one!


  • Thanks for the recipe. These look so good. Yum.


  • These look very tasty indeed, thanks.


  • Goodness me! – this is such a unique and creative pizza recipe and I have never seen pizza made quite this way. These pizzas look so tasty and good and I do love delicious and wonderful potato skins.


  • Love this pizza idea – and the left over potato will make a lovely mash to either go with the pizza or to use next day. Bubble and squeak anyone?


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