Average Ratings (from 162 ratings)
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I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
My kids love the taste
Swisse Kids is a brand I trust
Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 and Swisse Kids Probiotic :
4.34 out of 5 based on 163 reviews.

As Mums it’s important to all of us that our children are happy and healthy. As Mums we also know that sometimes busy kids on the go may need a little extra support …

Which is why we’re so pleased to bring you the Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 and Swisse Kids Probiotic Product Review!

Developed by Swisse Wellness, a leading wellness brand with a mission to help people live healthier & happier lives, the Swisse Kids range is sugar free, tooth friendly, great tasting, and is tailored for growing children.

Busy lifestyles and not-so-great eating habits can lead to gaps in our kids’ nutritional intake. The Swisse Kids Health range helps fill these gaps and assist in energy production.

1_swisse kids product review_welcome to the family 2_swisse kids product review_swisse kids multi 3_swisse kids product review_swisse kids fish oil 4_swisse kids product review_swisse kids vitamin d3 liquid 5_swisse kids product review_swisse kids probiotic 6_swisse kids product review_swisse kids calcium + d3 7_swisse kids product review_swisse kids brand dha

The Swisse Kids Range is available nationally – online via Swisse.com, in Coles, Woolworths, Chemist Warehouse, Priceline, Terry White Chemmart, and all good community pharmacies.

In the Swisse Kids Product Review, we’ll be sending mums all over Australia a special package containing the following products from the Swisse Kids range:


Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 is important for growing kids: 

A milkshake flavoured burstlet!

Infants and children experience more growth in the first years of life than any other life stage and so keeping bones and teeth healthy is important.

Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 has a natural berry flavour that tastes just like a milkshake, and is tooth friendly.



Swisse Kids Probiotic is the best option for improving gut health and promoting good digestion:

An easy chewable tablet!

Swisse Kids Probiotic is a premium quality, sugar free, tooth friendly formula containing a combination of probiotic strains to support gastrointestinal health and healthy immune function in children.



MoM Members are trialling Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 and Swisse Kids Probiotic right now…

Mums have now been selected to trial Swisse Kids Calcium + D3 & Swisse Kids Probiotic, we’ve asked them to try these out at home and then visit this page to give us their review & rating!

You can see what they have to say after trialling in the reviews below…

What’s happening on Instagram?

#swissekids #swisskidsreview #mouthsofmums

Published 26th September 2017

  • More Please!!

    Little Miss is still loving her vitamins. She has them daily and constantly asks if she can have more. She knows that they are good for her but the flavour is the big winner in her eyes.

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • It's in the Swiss

    Since trialling the calcium+d3 and probiotics my child doesn’t forget to tell me i need to give them to her. She reminds me on a daily basis which helps as i tend to forget being a busy mum. I’m glad i can give my child the boost she needs in her diet plus giving her something she likes. Happy child happy mummy ????

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • "They're yummy! More"

    After trying the d3 calcium in water, on cereal I eventually handed one to my 2 year old which much hesitation as the bottle suggests otherwise. Much to my surprise she gobbled it up and asked for more. She then cried at not getting more. The probiotic were a hit from day one, d3 took some convincing but perseverance pays off.

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Great

    My son loved the taste & I will be continue getting these for him

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Calcium+D3, & probiotics in a bottle

    My child insists on having more but i tell her, only one of each a day. Then she frowns and gives me the sad face… As long as these are good for the children and they want it, I’m happy to give it to them as it makes it a whole lot easier to get some good nutrients in their diet without them even knowing. Thumbs up.

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Vita boost

    My child absolutely loved the taste of these. She tells me, “Mum, i love it, it’s berry flavour, yum….”

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Healthy choices the kids ask for!

    My three children love both of these products! My 6 year old asks for the “chewy” and “crunchy” lollies as soon as dinner finishes! They do not forget to take these and they always ask for their vitamins! We have tried others and couldn’t get them to take them! Definitely a winner!

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Probiotic is a winner

    The Swisse products arrived and I was a bit dubious how they would be received given the picture shown of what Miss 2 and Miss 4 have been having (basically a gummy lolly). I was pleasantly surprised when they both gobbled them up, said they were “yummy” (chewable tablet) and asked for more! Unfortunately the calcium D3 were not as well received so I’ll write another review specifically on that product. Day 1, new vitamin = success!

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • My girlie signs more everytime :)

    My youngest has for a lengthly period of time toddler diarrhea. Gluten allergy, worms and infections were ruled out by the gastroenterologist, her bloods were ok as well. We then decided to try her on a diary free diet and since we added Swisse probiotics daily we finally have wishful result !

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

  • Kids Calcium Yum!

    My kids love these tasty capsules.
    They love them by themselves no need to add them to anything. I love that I know that I am taking care of their bones whilst they think they are having a treat!

    I love that Swisse Kids offer premium quality products
    I would highly recommend Swisse Kids to other mums
    I love that Swisse Kids is based on scientific evidence
    I love that Swisse Kids is sugar free
    My kids love the taste
    Swisse Kids is a brand I trust

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I fondly remember slow, summer afternoons with family and friends gathered around a table of delicious finger-food during my childhood – the adults chatting and laughing, the kids pretending they understood the jokes. My parents had continued their Mediterranean traditions long after settling in Australia – and the simple joy of an effortlessly elegant gathering was one of my favourites.

What I don’t remember is my parents ever being stressed about the gatherings. It all just seemed to ‘come together’. Ah, how times have changed!

There’s something about the Italian style of entertaining that’s still so alluring in our fast-paced family lives. The idea of La Dolce Vita: a sweet life surrounded by family, friends, food and minimal fuss. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of the entertaining experts at Sandhurst to share easy tips for elegant, memorable summer get-togethers.

We also asked our community of mums to share their tried and true, easy summer entertaining ideas, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Euro-Inspired Entertaining


Before we dive into the delicious world of sumptuous, simple summer entertaining, it helps to know a little about the inspiration behind our guide. And that’s the concept of Italian entertaining – where time is taken to lovingly grow ingredients, before enjoying them with those you love.

Established in 1988, Sandhurst was born from the time-honoured traditions of generations of the family behind the brand – a proud Italian Australian family passionate about quality produce sourced from world’s best growers.

At the helm of Sandhurst are brothers Mimmo and Ray Lubrano, who live and breathe the impeccable ingredients that become the centrepiece of so many gatherings in Australian family homes.

“Tradition is what we stand for. We’re custodians of Italian values,” explained Mimmo. “When we go to Italy we see it in our grandparents, our parents came from Italy in the 50s. The tradition is a set of values: honesty, teamwork, participation, family – all the things you would associate with Italian family are the values.”

And it’s these beautiful values that make summer gatherings in Australia an extension of the European table.

Easy Summer Entertaining Starts With … Time Saving Secrets!


A sweet summer of entertaining doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones. To press pause on life and make memories. And it can be simple! So here are some really easy tips for making your home the place where everyone wants to gather this summer.

Create An Entertaining Kit

Whether it’s pre-planned or you’ve had friends or family drop-in, having a few things ready to go immediately melts away any stress. Here are some things to include in a summer entertaining kit:

  • A red table cloth: It instantly says festive!
  • Some platters and serving dishes
  • Candles
  • Some quality antipasto ingredients that simply need to be decanted and enjoyed!

Many Hands Make Light Work

As mums, we tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to delegating tasks. But remember, a summer of entertaining is about creating memories – not perfection. So let the kids help, and accept offers from your guests who’d like to bring something along to share.

“It can be overwhelming, so just delegate, and prepare. I do one dish prep per day and pop them in the freezer. Then they just need to be heated up. Let the kids do the decorating for you – plus keeps them busy!” – MoM Member Kirsty

Decorate With Happiness

There’s no need to pull out your finest crystal to pull off an elegant get together. Take a look around your home and garden to see what will bring your table to life. A bowl of lemons is a gorgeous addition, as is a bunch of gum leaves. Keep it simple and understated.


Finger Food For The Win

Nothing says simple summer elegance more than a charcuterie board (or three!). When my friends and our families get together, it’s our go-to – every family is asked to ‘bring a board’. Some do savoury and some sweet, so we’re covered for a long afternoon of catching up.

“Food wise, I keep it simple by doing cold deli meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and veggies.” – MoM Member

But just because boards are easy to put together, doesn’t mean they can’t ooze elegance. And that comes down to including quality ingredients. Choosing Sandhurst products is the easiest way to guarantee the highest quality ends up on your table. We love the premise behind the brand: from our family to yours – it invokes that nostalgic feeling of shared stories, history, gatherings and family.

How To Put Together A Charcuterie Board 

Sandhurst article image

There are no right or wrong ways to create a charcuterie board, but to ensure a balance of textures and flavours try to include:

La Dolce Vita!

A summer of sophisticated entertaining doesn’t have to be hours and hours of work. We don’t want it to be! By grabbing some beautiful ingredients to fill your pantry next time you’re shopping, you’ll know that at a moment’s notice you’ll have everything you need for a Euro-inspired gathering. No fuss, but plenty of substance and style!


Ready to host your own summer gathering? Choose Sandhurst’s quality produce and look for the red lid.

Mouths of Mums is proudly working with Sandhurst to bring you this article.

To post a review/comment please join us or login so we can allocate your points.

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