A complaint many parents have is of toddlers who don’t go to sleep for hours after their bedtime or wake up during the night.
This can cause stress and fatigue over a long period of time not only for the parents but for the toddlers as well.
Sarah Kottmann creator of little Munchkins say there are many reasons why a child doesn’t want to go to sleep or stay asleep.
Implementing any changes will take time and patience but here are a few things that may help depending on the needs of the child, as each is different:
- Having a routine makes children feel secure as they know what’s about to happen next, create one for bedtime and then stick to the same routine every night, this may include a bath, reading them a story and then saying good night.
- Make sure the child is cool enough or warm enough depending on the weather; if it is to hot or cold they may easily wake and not be able to resettle.
- Give them a special toy or blanket that they can resettle with as a form of comfort.
- Deal with the fears and anxiety by narrowing down the problem, if this is not possible then research has shown herbs such as chamomile or passionflower can be calming and help with anxiety.
- Rebalancing their sleep pattern, sometime if the problem has been going on for a long period of time the sleep pattern may be unbalanced. By using a homeopathic melatonin over a few nights this pattern may be rebalanced.
It is important not to give up and to find the best method that works for your child.
What bedtime routine do you use to help settle your child?
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