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Kissing babies on the lips may have been common in the past, but these days, we know better so we do better. Or at least, most of us do.

It’s well known that kissing babies puts them at risk of contracting illnesses that are mild for adults, but can prove fatal to a newborn. But one woman says she’s reconsidering whether to have children with her partner, because he says allowing his parents to kiss their baby on the lips is a ‘non-negotiable’.

The 23-year-old says she’s now told her 27-year-old fiancé she won’t have children with him if he doesn’t change his mind.

“We recently had this huge argument about whether letting his parents kiss our future child or not on the lips,” she explained in a forum. “I am completely against it because I always found that weird just seeing it happen to their other grandchildren.

“But my fiancé is saying that his parents giving our child a kiss on the lips is non-negotiable. I told him they can kiss the child’s head or cheek to show affection but not the lips because it makes me uncomfortable.

“He says I lacked love and affection from my parents because they never did that to me as a child, but his parents did that to him and his siblings growing up, so he was given more affection as a child than I.

“He said if I disagreed then he would just let his parents do it without my consent, especially if I’m not present.”

“Hearing him say that has caused me to fear having a child with him a little now because he’d go behind my back and do it anyways.”

She asked if she was in the wrong for now letting her in-laws kiss her future child on the lips, and the other forum members let her know that she’s doing the right thing.

“Don’t let anyone kiss your baby’s mouth, face, or any part of their body unless they’ve been tested. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) absolutely CAN infect, blind, or kill your (future) baby. Don’t let their mouths anywhere near baby without recent (and frequent) tests,” one person commented.


“He has straight up told you he will ignore your feelings and do whatever he wants with your child. That is an enormous red flag. Aside from the complete disrespect he has demonstrated he’s also willing to disregard health risks to his own child in order to enforce outdated customs.

“Doctors SPECIFICALLY warn against this for babies because of how easy it is to spread disease that way, ESPECIALLY newborns under 6 months.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • We never kissed our kids on the lips and we communicated to our children that this is for lovers, partners and husband and wifes. So personally I / we wouldn’t appreciate it when the grand parents or anybody else would do this to / with our kids. A repectful conversation between these partners would be good


  • Warning: do not marry this man. He has point blank told you he is going to disrespect your wishes and ignore medical advice about grandparents kissing on the lips. If he disagrees with you about other matters he will just go ahead and do what he wants. He has also put you down and dissed your upbringing just to get his own way. This is the top of the iceberg. Run! By the way, medical opinion aside, kissing on the lips by grandparents IS a little weird and I grew up in an Italian family where we are always demonstrative with our affection so his pathetic put down is just that-pathetic!


  • I dont think its whether you should allow it. Baby’s immunity is not great, common sense says you should avoid sharing your germs with them


  • I never kissed babies let alone adults on the lips unless I was dating them or married to him. It’s always been a no-no to kiss any baby on the lips.


  • Kissing on the lips IMO is for lovers [husbands and wives] not for children. One can show affection with cuddles, hugs and a kiss on the cheek or top of the head if you really have to. The greatest love you can show to your child is to be there physically talking to him/her and not looking at a phone or other screen but genuinely being a part of their lives.


  • So wrong on so many levels. Babies don’t need to be smothered in kisses especially on the lips. You wouldn’t kiss anyone else on the lips but your partner so what makes it right kissing a baby especially when they are so vulnerable.


  • This is a disgusting story next thing you will be saying is do you use your tongue .
    Grow up never abuse a person who can’t answer back.


  • Personally we never chooose to kiss our kids on the lips because we thought that on a certain point/age it would become inappropiate and might cause confusion or uncorfortable feelings by our kids or ourselves


  • I don’t think anyone needs to kiss babies on the lips/mouth. It should only be Mum and Dad if they choose to.


  • I don’t think it’s necessary (or safe) for anyone to be kissing a baby on the mouth.


  • I think it’s a family choice. When little ours always did but gradually progressed to cheeks. Obviously not if you are at all unwell or have cold sores etc.


  • I’ve never seen anyone other than my husband and myself give my kids a kiss on their lips. Any family or friends that want to give the kids a kiss, do so on their checks. I think that’s perfectly acceptable.


  • I grew up in a very loving, affectionate household. There were lots of hugs and kisses, but always on the face cheeks. I do the same with my daughter – lots of hugs and kisses always on the face cheeks.


  • This day and age is becoming a joke. I have a 4 year old and my whole family has always given him kisses.
    Now at 4 years old he goes to give family members a kiss and only to me and my mother does he kiss on the lips. All at his choice I never told him to do it.
    In saying that if we are sick we don’t kiss him, but when we’ll we do. Kissing and hugs show love and caring to a child. I always say I love you when I kiss and hug him. He now knows that a kiss and hug are showing love. When you say how do we show love to someone, he will hug or give a kiss. Stopping hug and kisses is wrong. Look back 70 years women did not have all this crap or don’t do this and don’t eat this. Baby’s we’re fine and healthy in fact some people say because we stop ourselves from eating stuff when pregnant and not letting babies eat certain things till there older is why so many health issues now day. So think about that.


  • Ew. Why would anyone want to kiss a child on the lips? That place should be reserved for your husband or someone you’ve grown to care about. Kissing kids there is just weird and unbalanced.


  • Grow up get your mind out of the gutter that’s what’s wrong with the world today no affection no discipline it’s nearly as bad as asking permission to change a nappy


  • Not respectful of your wishes no no no. You need to have a serious relationship talk about your values if he will not support find a baby daddy that will


  • Definitely a no no for anyone to do that!


  • Yuck, no! Nobody should be kissing any baby on the lips. People are gross and that’s how you make babies sick!!


  • He sounds disrespectful to you. If you’re not comfortable, it should not be happening. Leave him before it’s too late and a child is in the picture. You’ll have more problems than just a kiss OJ the lips once you have the kid with him


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