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The step-ladder approach for the treatment of anxiety is medically known as graded or hierarchical exposure.

It’s one of the ‘behavioural’ components of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and it’s useful to know about when encouraging your child to address their fears.

This treatment approach can be applied to many common childhood anxieties such as the fear of separation, fear of sleeping alone or fear of social situations. It can be used to help anxiety in children (and adults) of all ages.

To make a start, imagine a simple step-ladder with several rungs. Decide on the final goal (this task becomes the top rung of the ladder), then determine what an easy starting point might be (this becomes your first step). Next, work out what tasks might serve as intermediate steps with each situation a little bit more challenging than the last as you climb towards the top of the ladder.

When planning your child’s step-ladder, it’s important that the leap between steps isn’t too daunting. If the jump from one step to the next seems too great, consider how you might break it up into a few smaller steps by creating variations based on what it is your child does, how long for, where they try it or who they’re with.

This step-by-step approach allows your child to practise coping with their anxiety in manageable doses. In this way, your child also experiences successes along the way which builds up their confidence and sense of mastery.

Here are a few hints to improve your chances of success:

1. Let your child decide what tasks they add to their ladder. If you do need to help with this, make a few suggestions then allow your child to choose between them. As much as possible, your child needs to feel like they’re an active, motivated participant in this process as this makes it more likely that they’ll stick with it.

2. Teach your child some strategies for managing their anxiety before you start. An example might be slow relaxed breathing, or a simple message to think about, for example, “I’m safe and this worried feeling will go away” or “I’m okay and my Mum will be back soon”. It’s a good idea to plan and practise these strategies with your child before you start so that they know what to do as soon as they start to feel worried.

3. Encourage your child to try to stay in the situation until their anxiety passes. Anxious feelings don’t last forever. In fact, our bodies can only maintain high levels of anxiety for a matter of minutes (rather than hours) but if your child always leaves the situation while they’re still feeling anxious, they may never learn this.

4. Wait until your child has mastered one step on their ladder before moving onto the next. This might take one attempt or it might take twenty before a step is no longer anxiety provoking. It’s always best to work at your child’s pace.

5. Reward success. This doesn’t need to be something expensive or chocolate-coated… Praise, letting your child know how proud you are, spending some special time together or suggesting they call a grandparent or close adult to share news of their success are all great ways to reward your child.

6. Be a good role-model. Children learn so much from us. If they watch us panic each time storm clouds appear, they’ll soon be doing the same. Consider what you say and how you behave when you become anxious. Sometimes we need to be as brave as we’d like our children to be!

  • This is really great! I suffered anxiety as a child and I think if my mum had read something like this she would have been able to help me through it a lot better.


  • A lot of useful tips.An interesting article


  • It’s a good idea to think of it as a ladder and take small steps to get to your goal, my daughter had to take lots of small steps to achieve her end goal of adapting well in social situations.


  • great tips and ideas. I suffered anxiety for a long time and would never have thought of a way for children to overcome it


  • Over the last couple of days I have been using these tips with my eldest daughter and it has been working really well to help her deal with her anxiety better. Thanks for a fantastic and helpful article


  • Thanks for all the tips and ideas!


  • great work and very informative


  • This is a great article. My 8yo suffers from anxiety and we have slowly been working on many aspects of it. She is in year 3 this year and only just settling at school of a morning without me having wait until she is in class before I leave.


  • This is such an informative article my friend has a child that suffers from anxiety I will pass this on to her many thanks


  • My child has started to see a professional for anxiety issues. It’s really daunting when you can’t help them yourself. Thanks for the article.


  • I will keep this for future reference.


  • it is true that sometimes we do try to push our children forward to quickly. I must let my son deal with this at his own pace.


  • my youngest has lot of anxiety with some situations so this will be very helpful.


  • This is such a wonderful idea. Thank you very much.


  • thanks for the great article


  • I’m sure I’ll be able to put this to good use with my eldest step son, he’s really quite an anxious boy.


  • What a great strategy – thanks!


  • thankyou for this. great ideas will rememeber them if i ever need them in the future


  • This is helpful, one of my children particularly gets very anxious in some situations.


  • Thanks you for the useful tips I can use for my oldest.


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