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So we recently started a chore chart for our 2-year-old daughter which has been working like a treat. She gets a stamp every time she does a designated chore, at the end of the week she gets 10c for every stamp to put into her money box.
Since starting this though I’ve noticed that she is doing more housework than hubby! Now I am a stay at home studying mum, pregnant with #2, so I accept that the lions share of the housework is mine, but is it too hard to get some dishes done once in a while. Hubby has told be that I should ask, but once again he is a grown man and I am not his mother (thank god). So I’m thinking of starting a chore chart but a stamp and ten cents at the end of the week won’t cut it. A beer or some bedroom time (not that I want that) would suffice. But really? As I said I am not his mother, I try leaving the dishes but I crave under mount dishmore a lot quicker than him. The constant stub your toes are becoming more likely to end with a hospital trip for me as I can no longer see my toes. I am over the gender stereotype that the women clean and cook, tonight its take out.

Posted by mumma-mel-c, 16th May 2014

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  • I agree – i cave into the mountain load of dishes as get sick of reminding him constantly


  • Also; it is a sanity saver.


  • A roster for everyone is a household works well; removes any doubt about responsibilities.


  • lol i think thats sounds great


  • you might be surprised – a list of chores for him might help him know what to actually do 😉


  • tell him he has to help more


  • Just tell him you want more help and that no you aren’t his mother and that he should be adult enough to see that if something needs to be done it needs to be done. You already have babies, and he is not one of them. Sounds like its time he grew up.


  • I just hate that when I do all the housework it goes with comment, but if he does anything he expects a thank you…


  • I share your frustration! I wish I had a solution.


  • Sorry I am of no help. We both work. My hubby full time and I do 4 days a week. We share the housework. For example : He shops for and cooks most dinners. I get the girls dressed, ready/ organised, do the girls and my washing, folding, put it away and do the ironing. He washes/irons his own work gear and washes the towels, sheets. I wash the bathrooms and toilets. When I was working less hours I did more of the household chores.


  • Good on ya, You deserve a break sometimes


  • My husband actually welcomed it when I stuck a list of things that needed doing up on the fridge – he treated it as a reminder, and that’s all he needed – a nudge sometimes.


  • i feel your pain! 17 month old and pregnant with #2, our toddler is up at 4am so i’m exhausted by nightime, i understand he works hard at his job, but it would be nice if he used initiative and helped with the dishes at night instead of laying on the couch watching me. I don’t think we should always have to ask, when will men learn lol!


  • I remember once when my ex was so lazy and I was had bub number one we did a chore chart he never did anything lazy turd anyway I have however seen where on supernanny that asking the partner what he could feel he could do to take the stress off you even if its give the child a bath so you can do dishes or other way around this may work it could be worse he could be doing none or you could be doing it all on your own like me a single mum of three who has no choice


  • Totally the same in this household, if he does do something I’m obligated to hold a street parade. Drives me nuts if I’m having a hectic week. Most times I just suck it up and promise to do something special for myself. Never do, but the thought is nice.

    • Lol im hearing you on the street parade! My husband got our daughter breakfast the other morning while i had a shower and he has brought it up every day since ‘ im such a good husband, remember the other morning when u got to have a shower’ OMG he gets to shower every morning lol, men are from a different planet.

      • Yep a standing ovation is required when they do something its rather funny that this is the reaction


  • Good on you! I’m over the gender stereotypes too. A woman’s role isote demanding than ever. Yes we won equal rights, but did we? We are now expected to be career women,perfect mums and look like a super model. You go girl!


  • You’ve just said the magic word “bedroom time” Your house with be all clean & shiny in a wink of an eye. Hopefully he’ll be too tired from all the cleaning up & you’ve killed two birds with one stone!


  • your story gave me a much needed giggle and I think go for it and do a chore chart for him and at the end if he is a good boy he can have a drink or be in charge of the remote for one night but make sure it’s not a night you have things you want to wash….or you could give him a money box and 50 cents 🙂


  • It’s the same here.. I think most men are like that!


  • Mines the same, I can work all week, do the drop off and pick up of our daughter yet he leaves his dirty dishes on the bench..


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