
12 Comment

i was talking to a friend of mine today and was thinking about taking my son to Gymbaroo, i wanted to ask mothers out there if they have taken there kids to this or if there is a alternative that may be cheaper and on casual basis, looking more about sydney. My son is 9 months he seems to be doing very well learning lots of things with me at home but i feel he needs more interaction with other kids.

Advice from other mums would be great.

Posted by bilik81, 19th August 2013

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  • I think any group activity you organise for your kids is good. Keep them active and get them social


  • Have you thought of looking for a playgroup near you, it’s great for young kids.


  • advice


  • I’ve gone to gymberoo but in my area the local YMCA offers a casual kinder gym program for $7 a week, maybe do some Google research of your area


  • My kids love Kindergym… I love it because it exhausts them


  • i ike these stories


  • There’s so many awesome activities available these days.


  • Activities are always a good idea.


  • this is a fantastic idea …….. u will love it


  • thats a great idea .


  • Not sure if they have in Sydney, but might be worth checking out you’r local Gymnastics centre. Here we have Pit Gym, where they have $5 for 1 1/2 hrs baby/ toddler/ kids time, to use the soft play equipment, then trampolines, swinging ropes etc.. A lot cheaper than Gymbaroo, & my kids loved it. Builds their confidence & strength.


  • Hi, I think Gymbaroo is great, I took my son for 2 years, now my daughter does it, she is 18 months. I find it is expensive, $185 per term, but I dont care, my kids love it. I don’t think there is anything else like Gymbaroo. My kids both started at the age of one, I didn’t see the point of starting earlier than that, my daughter is very into the whole Gymbaroo routine now at 18 months. There is no harm in giving it a try and seeing if you like it.


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