

I have a 11 month old who is obsessed with doors, if one is open he will cross fire just to be the one who gets to shut it, so of course whenever I go outside I make sure the latch on the door is in ( we have a deadlock latched door). When he is in bed however I don’t generally bother, my 3 year old knows better then to shut the door when I am outside. Or so I thought.
Mr 11 months was in bed for his am nap the other day when my husband messaged me to take a photo of our aquaponics set up to show his mates at work, so I grabbed the phone went out the front door took a quick pic and in less than 2 minutes arrived back to a shut – and locked -door. No worries, the side door is always open when hubby is at work because he leaves that way…but not today because he didn’t ride his bike, he drove the car. Excellent. So back to the front to try and get mr 3 to open the door for mummy. Cue tears and wailing when he realised what he had done and that I was none too happy about it. “But I can’t do it mummy!” he yelled in between rattling the latch on the door. “Well go and get the stool from the bathroom and try!” I called back, thankfull the neighbours weren’t home to witness me yelling at the door in my pj’s at 10am.
As it seemd mr 3’s efforts to open the door were going to be quite fruitless I called hubby at work, first try rings out but he answered on the second and after a lot of laughing from his collegues in the back ground he headed off home to rescue me. Meanwhile mr 3 is still was still dutifully working away with his chubby, uncoordinated fingers on the latch, and finally, when hubby was about 5 minutes from home, he managed to open the door.
After a lot of sucking up and sorrys I’m pretty confident he won’t be doing that anytime soon! And now, after months of thinking about it, I have finally hidden a key outside for moments like this!

Posted by mom141765, 22nd August 2015

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  • Yes that is a brilliant idea. Everyone should do that!


  • A good idea for everyone, really.


  • A must….. kids can do anything and everything


  • lol my granddaughter did that to me years ago when I sneeked out to put washing on the line while she was supposably watching Playschool. I have a front & back door key stashed for this reason.


  • That is a brilliant idea. Been there and done that many years ago! lol


  • Glad to hear everything ended up ok.


  • Yep been there done that, two of my three kids have locked me out at times, i have learnt to always have a set on me or make sure more than one door to the house is unlocked, which turns into a nightmare when going out to remember to lock them all. But still doesnt work when the kids are fighting and run inside to lock eachother out. at least they are old enough now when i say open the door they can.


  • Lessons learned for all for sure! ;)


  • lol my youngest locked his daddy outside the other day but i was here to let him in


  • Oh gosh how frustrating! Alongside learning a lesson your little 3 year old learnt to be resilient! I’m impressed the door got opened eventually even if they were upset. Great idea to keep a spare key around!


  • Oh dear. You poor thing. Something similar happened to me the other morning


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